Saturday, April 21, 2018

Winter Solstice Resolutions

Winter Solstice Resolutions

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Winter Solstice Resolutions

Do you want your next year to include sexual fulfillment? Do you want to improve communication, change your body image, and make more time for fun? What if you could create or welcome into your life a new relationship reality? The Winter Solstice, the time when the new Sun is born, is an opportunity to renew our hopes for a better future.

The traditions I follow mirror the turn of the seasons more than the flip of the calendar pages. For me, the best time for creating plans and resolutions is during the Dark, the weeks and days preceding the Winter Solstice, when our natural biorhythms are encouraging all of us to sleep a bit more, rest a bit more, turn our gazes inward, contemplate our navels in other words, dream. Focus on ourselves.

One of the benefits of all of the material gift-giving that Christmastime brings is that we turn our attention to the question of what we want. Its crucial to be self aware, to know what you want, to truly think about it and consider new possibilities. Ive learned over the years that this isnt by default a selfish or greedy state of being but a skill that we all need to have. Its an exercise I need to do every now and again, to just check in with my true self and see if I have what I need, if Im moving toward getting the things I want that would bring me joy.

For example, lately Ive been very attracted to all the lovely bath bombs and bubble bars that my favorite cosmetics shop sells. I suspect this desire for more scented things in my bath is really a manifestation of my desire to make time to take more baths, my deep need to make time in my life for relaxation and small indulgences. Similarly, perhaps my friends desire for sparkly jewelry is simply an example of her desire to add a bit of sparkle and pizzazz to her life overall. The lesson is that what we want, even small material gifts, can often point towards what our souls are truly longing for and all we have to do is listen.

The Dark Time also reminds me that I am walking through the world alone, as a single entity. That I am, you are, and each of us is a whole person, a single being, whether we are in a partnership or not. And that if I am in a partnership, I have chosen to be. Happy with it or not, its a choice that I have made, and one that I have the control to unmake. Am I happy? What do I want? Am I heading in that direction or did I somehow get off my path? These are the questions that come up in the darkness, when we feel alone.

If you plan to stay with your lover for the next solar year, this is an excellent time to commit to examining and discussing ways that you both can make the relationship better even if its fantastic already. If its not fantastic, identify one or two areas you both agree to work on. Mutually come up with no more than a handful of achievable tasks or goals and plan what youll do to work on it. Start making your Resolutions for a New Year right now, think about them seriously, and set your intentions for a better year.

All relationships need work and maintenance, just like a car or a house; they dont happen magically, despite the romantic mythology. Maybe your relationship needs a burst of fun to get you out of a rut, or perhaps youve got some ugly underlying issues you need to resolve, or a financial tangle that stresses you both out. Make plans and identify steps to fix those things. Consult professionals for help you would for your car or house, right?

Think about yourself and your needs, too, and give them equal footing with your relationships needs. An equal, healthy partnership is built on two whole people, not two half-people. You must both be mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy or the relationship balanced on top of you two will eventually fall. Now is the time to assess what you need, as individuals and as a couple, and dream up a better future.

One tradition Ive created for myself and my partner is to do a little ritual at the Winter Solstice; this year, thats the night of the 22nd. My lover and I turn off all of the electric devices when the sun sets, gather wood for the fireplace, and huddle under blankets in the living room. We use the light of candles and oil lamps, heat our dinner without the microwave, and just spend time together doing nothing. Hanging out, laughing and talking remember that? At some point in the night we move into a more solemn ritual space and speak our dreams for the coming year aloud to each other. We share our plans and desires for the future.

Eventually we go to bed, leaving one candle lit throughout the night, in the old folk traditions of encouraging the sun to return. (The kitchen sink, bathtub, or shower, is a relatively safe place to leave a lit candle unattended.) We set the alarm to go off when the sun rises and get up to greet the day. We take a moment to honor the returning Light and let the natural power of the days beginning to get incrementally longer, the solar energy and promise of Winters end, give fuel to our intentions.

Spending an evening alone in the Dark, honoring myself as an individual and as part of a couple, gives me power to enact the plans that I have made for a better future. The visible proof of the Sun returning, of the annual cycle of growth and rebirth continuing, fuels my own inner journey. I have the power to change, to create the life that I want. To have a better relationship, a better sex life, more satisfying communications, an improved self-image all of it! To have fun. To welcome joy and embrace pleasure.

Happy Solstice may the returning Light fuel your journey as well!

When Will It Be Convenient A Quick Look At 5 Standard of Home Warranty Repairs

When Will It Be Convenient A Quick Look At 5 Standard of Home Warranty Repairs

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When Will It Be Convenient A Quick Look At 5 Standard of Home Warranty Repairs

Its a question thats more likely popped up while you think about home warranty companies.

When will your home warranty be useful?

We believed itd be useful to outline some particular situations to answer this very question. These are generally great examples of while you count on utilizing your home warranty.

Case 1: Your Trash Disposal Stops Working

A particular waste disposal is not a big fun, and your home warranty can be very helpful here. Assuming the problem is normal damage, this is included with the range of home warranty coverages. A local plumber can help fix the jam or replace the waste disposal if needed.
In fact, a good general guideline - if you really cant waste it yourself, dont count on your waste disposal to handle it. Only toss things down in your kitchen sink that can easily be broken down with ease.

Case 2: Your Bathroom Gets Stopped Up
Without a doubt, this is yet another not-so-exciting, but general, problem.

Like the waste disposal, the home warranty comes in handy here if the problem is related to normal use. (Dont throw anything down there!) More often than not your local plumber can fix the blockage with his tools. In a few more technical cases, a full lavatory replacement may be important and would usually be insured by your home warranty.

Case 3: Your Water Heater Starts Leaking or Stops Heating
Not heating? Its most likely a component problem.

Leaking? It may possibly require replacement. In both ways, this is the most common case when you require a home warranty.

Case 4: Your Air Conditioning Unit Stops Working Or Blows Heat

Thisis, needless to say, a biggie here in the Area of the Sun. Our Air conditioning units take a big hitting, so repair service needs are likely. The common problems with the AC unit is a failed compressor, capacitors, motors or leakage of water within the internal unit.
Whenever the problemarises, heres a fine first step - check dead battery packs in the circuit breakers or thermostat breakers or fuses. At the same time make sure that youve changed the air conditioning filters recently. (Do this on a monthly basis to maintain proper air movement.)

Case 5: Your Microwave Oven Stops Working
If your microwave oven decides to stop doing its jobs, a good home warranty can certainly help too. A home appliance technician should be able to locate the cause of the problem and fix the problem through replacement or repair.

Although every case and home differs from the others, these good examples help draw a picture of common warranty claims for you. When one of these simple home problems arises, any good home warranty serves as a go-to policy for fixes that can help bring a bit of comfort and predictability.So, make sure that you have searched every bit and corner about the home warranties before buying them.

Friday, April 20, 2018

What You Need To Make An Essential Component Of Your Fishing Equipment, A Fish Cleaning Table

What You Need To Make An Essential Component Of Your Fishing Equipment, A Fish Cleaning Table

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What You Need To Make An Essential Component Of Your Fishing Equipment, A Fish Cleaning Table

Why You Need Fish Fillet Tables

If you do not have your own fish cleaning table you may already know the hassle of trying to clean your catch using whatever that is available. A kitchen sink or cooler surface may have already been used for the purpose, but this would have most probably resulted in creating a worse mess. Lets face it, cleaning fish is by far the least enjoyable part you will have to endure after a relaxing day out fishing. Therefore if you want to make this stage also hassle free, it is best you take time to build your own cleaning station. This will give you a designated place to clean your catch in a convenient and hygienic way.

Making Your Own Fish Cleaning Station

Cutting board

This forms the most obvious part of fish fillet tables. The surface you choose will need to be sturdy enough to endure the gutting and chopping fish cleaning will often require. In addition to this you will need to look for a surface that is easy to clean and also does not damage the cutting equipment. There are several options of cutting boards that are available for this purpose. Polythene cutting board options are readily available and are quite affordable as well. Many prefer polythene due to its cost competitiveness and ease use. If you purchase a ready made board, all you would need to do is attach it to the table. But in terms of disinfecting, plastic does has its down side. As an alternative you could use wood or granite that are sometimes more expensive.


The frame is a part of the fish cleaning station that is quite important because it can be used to modify the type of table you are going to build. You can make this in a way that it is foldable or portable to match the space availability of where you will use the station. PVC is the most commonly used frame material as it is light, cheap and strong.


You dont need to really worry about having a fancy sink fixed to your cleaning station. Fundamentally all that would be required is a running water source and a proper system to allow wastewater to drain out. There are also sink units that can be purchased. If you use one of these, you can create a more professional looking cleaning station.

What is an Ileo-Cecal Valve and how is it related to your digestive health

What is an Ileo-Cecal Valve and how is it related to your digestive health

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What is an Ileo-Cecal Valve and how is it related to your digestive health

Problems w/ constipation? Diarrhea? Dark circles under your eyes? Sudden low back pain after bending over to pick up a dime on the floor? Joint pains? Weakness of the Psoas, Iliacus or Quadriceps muscles muscles involved in posture and locomotion

Could it be your Ileo-Cecal Valve?

The Ileo-Cecal Valve is located between the ileum (last portion of your small intestine) and the cecum or ascending colon (first portion of your large intestine; the appendix lays just below it.. Its function is to allow digested food materials to pass from the small intestine into your large intestine. The ileo-cecal valve also blocks these waste materials from backing back up into your small intestine. It is intended to be a one-way valve, only opening up to allow the digested material to pass through and then closing to prevent the fecal contents from falling back into the small intestine. When the small intestine/large intestine is not active in the process of digestion or stool production), the value is relaxed, neither open or closed.

Ileocecal Valve Syndrome

When the ileocecal valve is stuck open waste products can back up into the small intestine (much like a backed up kitchen sink drain) disturbing your digestion and also creating unhealthy toxins that are absorbed into the body. Also, if the ileocecal valve is stuck closed waste products are prevented or constricted from passing into the large intestine.

Unfortunately, this disorder is often overlooked by the medical profession. A dysfunctional ileocecal valve can result in a combination of symptoms.

Ileo-Cecal Valve Syndrome Signs & Symptoms

Dark circles under eyes

Bowel disturbances (diarrhea / constipation)

Weakness of the Psoas, Iliacus or Quadriceps muscles muscles involved in posture and locomotion

Low back pain esp. pain on bending over

Severe lumbar disc complaints (sharp sudden pain)

Sinus problems, post nasal drip, headaches, tinnitus

GERD symptoms

Joint pains

Pelvic congestion and pain


Chronic inflammatory or toxicity complaints

Causes of Ileo-Cecal Valve Syndrome

HCl Deficiency Major Cause: Medication for GERD/ Tums stops via various ways the flow of stomach acid needed to digest food, and absorb certain B vitamins and Calcuim.


Emotional upsets

High Colonics

How you eat (eating too quickly, eating foods you are sensitive to, under-chewing your food)

Foods you eat (carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, raw foods, hot spicy foods)

TMJ Disorders

Treating Ileo- Cecal Valve Syndrome
Treatment options for ileocecal valve syndrome are adjustment of the value itself, chiropractic adjustment of the spinal segmental that innervates the value, and the small and large intestine, neurovascular & neurolympathic pts for the value and the small & large intestine, and a change in diet.

Please note that adjustment of the value must be done in order to fix the problem; just doing the other techniques will not fix the problem.

Possible nutrition: Chlorophyll, digestive enzymes, Vitamin D, Calcium

Temporary Diet Recommendations During Treatment
Avoid for two weeks:

Roughage foodssuch as: seeds, whole grains, raw vegetables

Spicy foodssuch as: chili powder, hot peppers, salsas, black and cayenne pepper,

Also eliminate liquors, alcoholic drinks, cocoa, chocolate, caffeine products

What Do You Do if Your Water Heater Leaks

What Do You Do if Your Water Heater Leaks

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What Do You Do if Your Water Heater Leaks

If your water heater has developed a leak, you will need to check where the leak is coming from before you can try to fix it. You may have to replace the water heater altogether if it is an older heater. There aren't many causes of water heater leaks that can be fixed, but we will discuss how to fix the problems you can. Before you begin, you will need to have some tools handy. These include a screwdriver, some hose, a bucket, a wrench and some sealant. Once you have assembled all your tools, take a look at the water heater. If the water is leaking from the tank, you will need to replace the whole water heater. If the fittings or pipe is where the leak is located, you can probably fix it yourself. Now that you have assessed that the leak is not from the tank itself, you will need to prepare to fix the leak. First you will need to shut off your power.

If you have a gas water heater, then shut off the gas. This is a safety measure that needs to be followed. Do not attempt any repairs without doing this first step! Next you will need to shut off the water. You can easily do this by shutting off the in-line valves that are close to your heater. Then you will need to employ the sillcock valve at the bottom of the heater. Attach the hose and allow everything to drain either outside or down a drain. You do this to relieve any pressure that has built up inside the tank, and you will need to allow some time to pass before you proceed. Once the pressure has been relieved, disconnect your water intake and output by unscrewing the unions on the heater. Be sure you use your bucket to catch any remaining water that may leak out. Once all this has been done, you can use your wrench to tighten the fittings and valves. You may want to remove these items first and apply the sealant to the threads before tightening them back up. This should have fixed any of the leaks you had, and once everything is tightened up, you can then turn the water, power and heater back on. If this hasn't fixed your water heater leak, there are some other possibilities that may be causing the leak. If it is your temperature release valve that is leaking, you will need to call an experienced plumber to fix the problem. Doing this type of repair yourself if you do not know what you're doing can easily cause an explosion. Another option would be to tighten the drain valve.

Sometimes the drain valve loosens up a bit and causes a leak in the water heater. Lastly, check the heating element gasket. If this needs to be replaced, you will need to turn off the water supply and drain the water out of your water heater. You can then easily replace the gasket. Before you turn the water heater back on, you will need to run hot water through a kitchen sink to remove any air that may build up inside the heater tank

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Welcome To An Insane World Where Everything's Backwards!

Welcome To An Insane World Where Everything's Backwards!

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Welcome To An Insane World Where Everything's Backwards!

The masses have been going into agreement with the construction of their own prison without knowing since time memorial. Sure, there's those hearing the alarm clock and waking up, but at present, we're living in a topsy-turvy insane world where everything's backwards. Here's my list to undoubtedly prove this.


The backwards world starts in schools with our education system. It's designed so that young people fit into the system when it should really be the reverse: The system should fit into unique, creative young people...


Because of that unholy alliance between corrupt government and soulless greed-machine corporations we have a backwards healthcare system: Conventional medicine only deals with the symptoms of disease which means the patient's illness will keep coming back. The real solution is to treat the root cause of the illness but that would mean a cured customer: No more symptoms, no more illness, and no more repeat business revenue for big pharma and big government...

-Here, by the way, is an analogy for this backwards approach con, just to highlight the insanity of it all. If I turned the taps full on at your kitchen sink, more water filling up than what was getting away, would you reach for the mop and bucket or deal with the root cause by turning the taps off?!


Ultimately, politicians are meant to be in power to serve the demands of we-the-people but this is not happening. Instead, politicians are serving the wishes of their lords and masters, the real controllers of the planet, the ruling elite with their corporatocracy agenda.

For example, senior politicians regularly receive corporate backhanders to write in new laws favouring the corporation, like those for instance producing GMO seeds. This allows the GM corporation to exploit farmers and then become a serious potential health threat with their GM foods to we-the-people, endangering species diversity as well as our ecosystems.

- Such is the behaviour of reckless, uncaring, undiagnosed psychopathic, waste of clothes politicians...

...On the subject of food

Remember, our food is produced freely by Mother Earth, but it has become more expensive and sometimes difficult to obtain in its natural organic form. Some people are persecuted through despotic corporatocracy laws for becoming self-sufficient and less reliant on the system by growing their own food, selling raw milk... Instead of organic, we have an abundance of herbicide, fungicide, pesticide laden, top soil mineral deficient food.

For increased yield in meat, eggs and milk farm animals are raised in appalling conditions, confined to unnatural spaces, artificial lighting and hormonally treated... affecting their health and behaviour. This in turn means compromised food quality.

Then there's the rise in processed junk foods furthering our already escalating ill health...


Whether it's the news or in academia instead of allowing the full pursuit of truthful enquiry, promoting a flow of genuine curiosity... the corporatocracy controlled mainstream media filters, prevaricates and even fabricates information. Dishonest, biased reporting is the norm. Those taking the alternative view in mainstream media could find themselves out of a job. Regardless of truth any ideologies opposing the corporatocracy will be suppressed or invalidated.

-Thus our mainstream media serves to support and protect the sponsors the ruling elite with their corporate/banker agenda by controlling the masses accordingly.

Unimportant is important

Mainstream media has played a major role in getting the masses to focus on so many unimportant things, while ignoring those of real value. For instance, many people give so much time and attention to meaningless soap operas, reality TV and talent shows... etc while serious matters like our environmental problems such as the Fukushima radiation leaks, heavy metal toxicity or species endangerment are given far less attention... how topsy-turvy can it get?

Producing a turnaround

-To produce a turnaround and get things the right way round again we need to have to make sacrifices that take us away from our fixations with the unimportant and commit to educating ourselves on the things that really matter and then spread the word to others.

-Just how committed are you to making this vitally needed task happen?

Water is the Fountain of Life

Water is the Fountain of Life

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Water is the Fountain of Life

Article Preview

By Britt Mittemeijer

Water is truly life! It is absolutely essential to all bodily functions we simply cannot live without it!

Humans need water in order to breathe, digest food, eliminate waste, assimilate and metabolize nutrients, and regulate body temperature. In addition, water keeps the pressure, acidity, and composition of all chemical reactions stabilized. Without protein, carbohydrates, and fats, a person can survive approximately five weeks. Without water in a moderate climate, a person can survive about five days! Water, folks, is our basic nutrient and most health practitioners advise us to drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water every day to maintain optimal health.

Is it not optimal health what all of us are seeking? Nobody wants to be sick! And since water is our most basic nutrient, shouldnt the first line of defense be that we consume the best water possible?

You may therefore ask: How, in this age of major pollutants permeating everything, can I get safe water? For most everyone, drinking water flows from either the kitchen tap or from bottled water, and we just assume that this water is safe to drink. In many places it may be, but when we consider that the municipal water treatment plants produce water that is used approximately 95% for utility purposes, such as for industrial use, agricultural irrigation, household uses such as baths, flushing toilets, etc., whereas only about 5% or less is used for drinking
cooking and personal consumption does it make sense that it is cost-effective for cash-strapped municipalities to cleanse ALL water to drinking water standards?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for the safety of municipal water supplies throughout the country. Did you know that out of approximately 2100 pollutants identified, the EPA has regulated and set maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for about 90 contaminants that can adversely affect public health? That leaves many unregulated, potentially toxic contaminants in the drinking water supply.

What are these contaminants and why are they a threat to public (that means your) health?

To highlight just a few, lets begin with chlorine. Chlorine is classified as a poison, but is added by law in low concentration to municipal water supplies to destroy disease-causing bacteria. While this process, begun around 1908, has successfully eliminated cholera, typhus, and other similar deadly diseases which have plagued American society throughout the 19th century, it is causing other challenges to public health: chlorine combines with decaying leaves and naturally occurring organic matter to form compounds called disinfection by-products (DPBs, also known as THMs), which are linked to colon and bladder cancer, even to miscarriage! Also, chlorine, while instrumental in destroying bacteria in the water supply, once we drink it, continues to destroy the bacteria in the intestinal tract, the good ones with the bad.

Thats why its effective to have chlorine mixed into the water as it is transported in underground pipes into our homes, but it is detrimental for human consumption and should be removed.

THMs (trihalomethanes) are more detrimental. As stated above, they are formed mostly in the delivery system by combining chlorine with organic matter that may have entered the delivery stream. Research has shown that THMs and TTHMs are cancer causing and you definitely dont want them in your drinking water.

Thus, as you can understand, your tap water is likely to yield a cocktail of contaminants you want to avoid if your health is important to you.

Turbidity (cloudiness) in itself may not be a health concern; yet disease-causing microorganisms can cling to the particles that cause cloudiness and escape destruction by chlorination.

It has been widely publicized that lead buildup in the body can be responsible for damaging the brain, kidneys and blood cells. Parasites, such as cryptosporidia and giardia lamblia have caused major problems during outbreaks in several cities in the past, causing diarrhea, cramps, high fever and even deaths. Unfortunately, these microorganisms are not affected by chlorine, thus they swim unimpeded right up to your faucet and into your intestines!

In addition, there is concern with a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), arsenic, radon, and MBTE, a gasoline additive suspected to be carcinogenic. This litany of detrimental floatsoms in your drinking water is not to scare you, but to inform you of what may be lurking in the water you and your family drinks.

Unfortunately, your senses will not give you feedback at all, because you cannot smell, taste or see these substances, but they can harm you just the same!

Now you ask: Where can I find healthy water my family and I can drink and cook with safely? To answer this question many are turning to bottled water as the path of least resistance. Although there is a perception that bottled water is safer than tap water, the fact is that standards set for bottled water are very similar to standards set for tap water. In fact, some bottled water is actually tap water that has been processed and repackaged. Also at the high price, bottled water is an expensive and often dubious solution! However, if you insist on bottled water, purchase water imported from another state, because water crossing state lines has a higher level of monitoring and legal quality requirements.

The alternative to bottled water is turning your tap water into a healthy drink. There are many different technologies and devices available to choose from. You have to ask yourself how pure you want to go: is it just a better taste you are looking for, or are you more interested in purity to help safeguard your health, -- or both? The misleading perception is that if your water tastes better, it IS better!

The fact is that many contaminants cannot be tasted, smelled or seen; your senses are not giving you guidance here. The only contaminant your senses are aware of is chlorine; you know that chlorine smells and has a definite taste to it that most people dont like. Therefore as soon as chlorine is removed from drinking water, the water does taste better. But now you know that chlorine contamination is not the whole story; in fact its just the beginning of an unappetizing and potentially harmful cocktail.

Of the wide variety of devices and technologies such as faucet-mount filters, pour-through or carafe devices, (collectively known as dechlorinators) distillation, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet light, carbon or ceramic filtration, we have found that the most cost-effective and efficient filtration method for residential use are stainless-steel filters using the solid carbon block technology. While no water purification method is perfect, some solid carbon block filters remove a wide range of contaminants and offer maximum convenience to the consumer. These units are typically installed under the sink with a dedicated spout on the sink deck delivering clean water at the point of use, namely your kitchen sink, and they can often be connected to the refrigerator for clean ice as well. Maintenance is minimal. Some solid carbon block systems are even effective in removing cryptosporidia because of their below-micron straining and adsorbing ability.

How can you know what to choose without encountering a lot of hype and false information in the process? A drinking water kitchen appliance system is an important and permanent investment in your health; its not something you want to just pick off a department store shelf! Consult a reputable dealer and ask many questions (suggested below). In addition, look to 3rd party agencies that have tested and certified systems according to their structural integrity and effectiveness in reducing contaminants. The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF, International) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) are globally recognized
by public health officials, governments and regulatory agencies for their scientific testing protocols. You can call NSF at 1 800 NSF-MARK (1 800 673-6275) and request a WaterWise consumer booklet, or you can go to to look for details of their testing protocols.

Questions you should ask before you open your wallet.

Ask the seller to show you a Product Performance Data Sheet which spells out in detail what the system removes and to what degree.
Ask if the product is tested and certified by NSF, International. NSF is an independent, not-for-profit organization with a commitment to public safety. Note of caution: The product you are considering should be NSF Certified, and not merely Tested to NSF Standards nor NSF Approved Under Standard x these indicate secondary testing procedures.
Ask for the NSF listing for the specific product(s) you are evaluating. Is the product listed under NSF Standard No. 53 (Health Effects) or under NSF Standard No. 42 (Aesthetic Effects) or both?
Ask about the range of contaminants which the unit can reduce under Standard No. 53. Most units certified under Standard No. 53 are listed for only turbidity and cyst reduction. The number of units that also reduce certain pesticides, trihalomethanes, lead, and/or VOCs is very small. Be sure that those contaminants which you are concerned about can be removed by the device you are considering.
Ask about the service cycle how many gallons does it treat effectively?
How often and at what cost must the filter element be changed?
Ask about the flow rate how many gallons of water per minute are treated?
What warranty and customer satisfaction guarantee is offered?

The bottom line is that you benefit from informing yourself about what device is best for your water quality requirements at your kitchen tap. You can get healthy water on demand for all your drinking, cooking, ice and beverage needs at a price that should be well below 10 cents per gallon and you get it right where you need it, namely at your kitchen tap and in your refrigerator. Now you can safely bottle your own to-go water for about 1 penny for an 8-oz bottle, and you never again have to be robbed at the high price for bottled water!

Now go and drink to your health with safe, delicious-tasting water!

Unique Benefits of Planting a Garden

Unique Benefits of Planting a Garden

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Unique Benefits of Planting a Garden

Our garden along with our kitchen can make a difference in our lives. What we eat defines us. It's for that reason to consider the most important things that can improve the way we look and the way we feel. There are many vegetables and fruits out there with secret properties that will help us to feel better when consumed. We can make better choices knowing the benefits of these fruits and vegetables.

It feels so good to just go to the garden and pick what you need from there instead of running to the pharmacy. I try to have a lot of plants in my garden. Sometimes we have them and we don't even know the benefits that they have. They're hiding in our backyard in plain sight.

There are numerous varieties of plants with amazing benefits but I will only mention a few.

Tomatoes are packed and full of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants and are a rich source of vitamins A and C and folic acid. The tomatoes are associated with the benefits of the cure for cancer combating the formation of free radicals, diabetes and heart diseases. Also, they have folic acids that help with depression. Whether you refer to a tomato as a fruit or a vegetable, a tomato is a nutrient food that most people should be eating.

Water spinach is another one that has essential nutrients like vitamins A and C as well as a high concentration of beta-carotene. Due to its healing and detoxifying properties, it helps in providing relief in case of skin itching or insect bites. Just add salt to water spinach and grind it into powder. Dab it on the sore spot and wrap it for immediate relief. Another property of this plant or should I say vegetable is that it acts as a sedative for people who have insomnia or sleeping difficulties. Water spinach also is effective in treating ulcers, menstrual pains, toothache, launched urination, nosebleed etc.

Aloe vera there so many benefits in aloe vera that this plant is a must have in our garden. It's excellent in skin conditions like burns, eczema, and is also a quick pain reliever. It has numerous nutrients, one of which is vitamin B12. Aloe Vera can also be used as a body cleanser (blend the crystal inside with the pineapple). I dont want to forget to mention that its great for digestion. Vital to the growth process and healthy function of our body. The benefits are so many that I encourage you to keep it close. Even in a pot in your kitchen you can grow a beautiful Aloe Vera plant.

Watermelon seeds are good sources of magnesium with 100 grams of seeds providing 139 percent of the recommended daily requirement. Magnesium is vital for normal heart functioning, contain lycopene which is good for your face and also helps in improving male fertility. It is also effective in recovering health after illness and sharpening your memory. It can even be used as a tea for treating diabetes, boiling a handful of watermelon seeds in 1-liter water for 45 minutes while keeping the pot covered.

Ginger this is another terrific plant full of benefits for our good health, usually called the traveler medicine because it helps with most indigestion problems, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. It will also help with menstrual cramps, bloating and much more. Keep this one in your garden.

Sage one of the must have good for digestion, ulcers, sore throat, improving memory and one more thing; that I know keep most women at the edge. It is known to have properties to reduces menopausal sweats. Sage is also good for menstrual irregularity. So let say goodbye to those menstrual cramps and night sweats with a sage tea.

Therefore lets plant more beneficial plants in our garden. To find relief to so many daily health issues. Just give our mother earth the opportunity to work for you and used your garden to make it possible. l am a lover of nature, I think that all these plants can and will make a difference in our life. I strongly believe that using these natural remedies for common illnesses we can reduce the need for chemical remedies with dangerous side effects.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Types of Replacement Windows A Complete Guide to Buying the Right Window

Types of Replacement Windows A Complete Guide to Buying the Right Window

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Types of Replacement Windows A Complete Guide to Buying the Right Window

Types of Replacement Windows: A Complete Guide to Buying the Right Window

Did you know that high-quality windows could last two decades or more, especially if youre diligent with maintenance? Of course, there are other factors at play here such as the location of your home. If you live in a coastal city, you might need to replace your windows more often than if youre living in Los Angeles, for example.

Obviously, youll need to look at the different types of replacement windows if repairing your current ones are no longer an option. Replacing windows is also necessary if youre looking to reduce your energy bill and if you want to give your home a new look.

That said, lets take a look at your options and how you can choose the best replacement windows for your home.

Arched Windows

Nothing says classy and graceful like arched windows. Theyre also a good choice if you want to add to the architectural appeal of your home.

As the name implies, arched or radius windows are windows where you have an arch on the top half, while the bottom half is rectangular in shape. The contrasting effect adds softness to a room and the addition of grids enhances the overall design and makes for easier glass cleaning.

The only thing that might turn you off from getting arched windows is theyre tricky to cover. Better Homes and Gardens has some tips on how to solve that problem.

Awning or Casement Windows

Awning and casement windows are popular types of replacement windows. They both have a hinge and they open by swinging up or out to the side.

Some advantages to choosing awning or casement windows include their excellent ventilation capabilities and unobstructed views. Since theyre easy to open and close, you dont need to worry if they will interfere with your curtains or blinds or whatever window treatment you plan to install.

Theyre also an energy-efficient option. Since theyre constructed of insulated glass, they can keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Bay or Bow Windows

One of the tricks designers use to extend floor space is to add bay or bow windows. Since these project outward, you get a small (or big) shelf in your home, which you can use for plants or other decorative items.

Both bay and bow windows are good buys if you plan to sell your home in the future. Homeowners usually go for these types of replacement windows for their aesthetic appeal.

Not only do they present a clean, modern look from the outside, they also offer panoramic views. This allows more natural light to enter the home.

Double Hung Windows

You cannot have a complete list of popular window styles without including double hung windows. Not only are they budget-friendly, theyre also easy to lift and close. Cleaning is also a breeze as the vertical tracks do not fill with dirt.

Another advantage to double hung windows is theyre great for safely holding air conditioners. Removal is easy as well.

The only thing you have to be on guard about is if you have children. Since theyre easy to access, children can fall out of them. You can install window guards to avoid such accidents from happening.

Egress Windows

Some types of replacement windows are chosen solely for their aesthetic appeal. Egress windows, on the other hand, are necessary additions to any home.

Thats because their purpose is to let you out in case theres a fire or some other emergency that prevents you from escaping through a door. In fact, thats the reason why basements are where you can typically find egress windows.

Aside from safety reasons, an egress window is also an extra source of ventilation for the home. And of course, it also brings light into a room so you dont always need to bring a flashlight whenever you go down the basement.

Garden Windows

In a previous post, we talked about plants that are good for your homes air quality. Youll want to take note of this when you decide to replace your garden windows or have them installed.

Perhaps, one of the best things about garden windows is you can fit them with several shelves. That means you can have several plants if you want. Theyre also not as expensive to install.

If youre not a big fan of plants, garden windows will still work if youre looking to open up your kitchen sink area. Just decorate with crystal figurines or any other item that sparkles in the sunlight. Its a versatile space that you can redesign anytime.

Glass Block Windows

Like egress windows, glass block windows are types of replacement windows you can add for security purposes. Homeowners choose them for bathrooms, basements, and other areas where they might want privacy.

If youre considering glass block windows, you have to understand that these are permanent. You cannot close or open them. And youll have to reseal them at least every five years if you dont want to deal with water penetration problems.

But the good thing about these windows is theyre energy-efficient. They let in a lot of light and keep a room warm. Theyre also very hard to remove, which should keep intruders out.

Jalousie Windows

If youre looking for types of replacement windows that are cost-effective in the long run, youll like jalousie windows. With these windows, you only need to replace the slats.

If theres damage to traditional windows, its not just the panes you have to change. Youll also need to replace the frames.

But the ease of maintenance also comes with a downside. Homes in colder climates are at a disadvantage with jalousie windows. This is because they lack insulating properties.

If you live in a place with a warmer climate, however, jalousie windows are a good option. Since they offer greater airflow, its easier to keep your house cooler and ensure good air circulation.

Picture Windows

Take it from Andy Dwyer of Parks and Recreation, windows are the eyes to the house. And picture windows are the best types of replacement windows to do just that. After all, these windows are all about unobstructed views and letting more light into your house.

Like glass block windows though, picture windows do not open. So you cant use them as an emergency exit or for ventilation. This makes them a good choice for drafty rooms.

If you want to explore your picture window options, check out Milgard Windows San Diego.

Round Windows

Do an image search of gothic windows, and youll see the historical origins of round windows. The main difference is modern round windows are not as ornate.

But they still work pretty much the same. They let in light and are an interesting design focal point for your home.

If youre considering round windows, be aware that most of them are fixed into place. You can, however, shop around for manufacturers who specialize in pivoting round windows. But they might cost more than other types of replacement windows.

Skylight Windows

Are skylight windows pretty? For sure.

But theyre not just pretty to look at. They also help you maximize your solar energy use so you can reduce your energy costs.

For one thing, they act as passive air conditioners. You probably know that warm air rises and cool air sinks. Venting skylights use this concept to keep your home comfortable.

Skylights also reduce the need for light from electrical sources, which of course lowers your energy consumption. Plus, you cant discount that natural sunlight exposes you to more vitamin D. More vitamin D equals healthier bones, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of certain cancers.

Sliding Windows

Sliders or sliding windows are also a common choice if youre evaluating different types of replacement windows. These come in a wide variety of styles, colors, and finishes and are appealing for homeowners whose homes have short walls.

Sliding windows are also worth considering if you want something thats easy to operate. One push of a finger is all you need to open it. Thats why theyre so awesome for those hard to reach places.

Cleaning is also not a problem. Just lift them out of their tracks and clean the glass with your preferred cleaning solution. You can also clean the tracks by vacuuming them and scrubbing them with a nylon brush.

Choosing the Best Types of Replacement Windows

Picking out the best types of replacement windows for your home will depend on your budget and where you plan to install them. Some of the window types we listed above can do wonders for the aesthetics of your home. Others are more functional, working to either reduce your energy costs or increase the security and privacy of your home (or both).

Consider these factors when shopping for your new windows. And dont forget to research different brands and contractors for installing your new windows. You may also want to check out window replacement videos online to see if its something you can DIY.

For more home improvement articles, dont hesitate to browse our blog. We also have tons of articles on other related topics such as Hobbies, Family, and Real Estate.

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Top Kitchen Faucets Reviewed

Top Kitchen Faucets Reviewed

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Top Kitchen Faucets Reviewed

Older, less modern kitchen faucets that are still running in many homes today can really give your kitchen a rather appalling look and that's just the beginning. Many older kitchen faucets have been shown to lead to water problems and often result in hundreds of dollars in repairs. New kitchen faucets come in many stylish designs that will suit and complete the dcor of any kitchen. Even better, newer kitchen faucet models are easier to clean, can come with water filtration systems, and include features which improve the ability to clean dishes, rinse out the sink, and even wash vegetables!

If you are interested in purchasing a kitchen faucet, you may want to check out popular and quality kitchen sink brands such as Blanco, Moen, Franke, and Kohler. Many of these kitchens faucet brands can be found for discounted prices, and most of these faucets come with warranties and customer service assistance. Three of the more popular kitchen faucets today include: the Kohler K-10430 kitchen faucet, the Blanco Profession Series 157064 kitchen faucet, and the Franke DW100 Series. All of these brands have a proven track record and you really can't go wrong. The main thing you need to look for when finding the right kitchen faucet is one that fits your wallet.

The Kohler K-10430 series kitchen faucet comes in a stylish design with a pull out spray spout. This series comes in seven different finishes that will certainly match almost any kitchen color and dcor. In addition to its style and pull out accessory, the spout has a function on it where you can choose between a strong water stream or a light aerated stream. The Blanco Professional Series 157064 is available in two finishing and is a Pot Filler Kitchen Faucet; this faucet can be installed near a stove so that you can add water to pots and other accessories on the stove easily. The Franke DW100 series is one of the more popular and superior kitchen faucets on the market today. The Franke also comes with a filtration system, a uniflow single knob filtration faucet, and a swivel spout. In addition to the filtration features, the Franke DW100 series comes in a variety of styles and designs. But, before purchasing your brand new kitchen faucet, make sure you spend time and do your homework. Take advantage of all your resources and make sure you make an educated, smart decision.

Top Kitchen Faucet Brands of 2010

Top Kitchen Faucet Brands of 2010

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Top Kitchen Faucet Brands of 2010

The faucet nowdays is chosen not just to get water into the sink but to put in a lot of style, sophistication and flair to a home's kitchen design. With all the kinds of styles and brands available in the market nowadys, it is best to know your options to help you decide which one best suit you. The top five brands of this kitchen fixture are American Standard, Delta, Kohler, Price Pfister and Grohe.

Delta kitchen faucet is a sought after brand among consumers because of their great quality and award winning products and reputation that they have built through the years. They are at the cutting edge of product innovation as they are recognized for using intelligent technological solutions to make the customers lives easier. Their products are guaranteed to be leak free and worry free operation made possible with trademarked features such s Diamond Seal Technology, Electronic touch and Magna Tite Docking. If you have the budget to seriously make your kitchen sink look high tech and sophisticated, then this brand is the way to go. Kohler, on the other hand, have faucets that are made from solid brass and zinc die-cast only made for outstanding operation, durabililty and strength for years to come. They want their consumers lives easier that is why they utilize an innovative technology for simple installation.

Grohe kitchen faucet has European style of design and functionality with their upscale and innotive products. They want the consumers to feel the perfect flow all the time with their products, this is their motto. With the high price tag of their products, you are to have an optimum fulfillment with the splendid design and modern features that are guranteed to deliver the best peformance and quality possible.

American Standard and Price Pfister are perhaps what can be considered the the household brands when it comes to kitchen sink faucets. They have built their own trusted name and reputation being around in the industry for more than a century. They have a vast array of products from cheap to expensive to serve consumers of all ages and classes. Count on durability, high quality and reliability with the superior designs and breakthrough innovations that they have contributed to the industry throughout the years.

When deciding which brand of fixture to go for, think of three things, your budget, style and needs. If you invest in a good quality kitchen faucet, then you will be saving money in the long run. On the other hand, if you are short of money at the moment, think of basic functionality first rather than sophistication.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Top 5 Kitchen Nightmares and Hygiene Regulation

Top 5 Kitchen Nightmares and Hygiene Regulation

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Top 5 Kitchen Nightmares and Hygiene Regulation

In the UK, the Food Standards Agency has rated every restaurant, takeaway joints and cafe coffee shop and the data is also publicly shared. In fact customers are also talking about the restaurants poor hygiene on social media and forums. Some of them even report to the authorities.

Most of the restaurants strictly follow the food safety and hygiene regulations, but still there are many restaurants who are failing to reach up to the mark and realize that they are not up to the scratch.

Many restaurants in UK are forgetting the some of the biggest causes of poor hygiene and food poisoning.

Hygiene is the most essential part of kitchen and it should not be ignored. The reason of all the kitchen nasty problem such as food poisoning etc. is kitchen being less hygienic. In domestic kitchen cleanliness is not of much concern, as you have to pay the consequences of less hygiene such as bad stomach or food poisoning. But in commercial kitchen consequences can be bad, you might end up with bad customer reviews, less traffic, restaurant owner fined moneys and in long term the business might shut down.

So what are the five kitchen hygiene issues that you need to be aware of?

Grease and Grime

The grease gets deposited and builds up on the work surfaces, machinery and storage areas of kitchen which in turn attracts dust and dirt. Thus to avoid the build-up of grease and grime, every day kitchen should be cleaned thoroughly. The kitchen grease can be cleaned by using the various kitchen de-greasing biological treatment available in market or you can even clean it using hot soapy water. Ideally work surfaces should be smooth and perfect, free from cracks and other imperfections where grease and grime gets build up.

To get rid of all the kitchen contaminations proper cleaning is essential. All the kitchen equipments should be cleaned and disinfected, as well as utensils, cooking appliances, kitchen tops and kitchen grease traps. The cleaning solution and disinfectants used should meet the British standards. The clogged kitchen sink and grease trap maintenance is also a matter of great concern in especially in commercial kitchens. The grease trap cleaning and kitchen sink maintenance should be done regularly to avoid any foul odour or overflow problems.

Vermin on the Loose

The nasty creatures such as rats, mice, ants, cockroaches etc. are not normally welcome in kitchen, the reason is that they contaminate food and spread diseases. By keeping your kitchen clean and tidy you can easily avoid the infestation of vermin. The easy availability of food attracts the pests. So one should avoid drop scraps on the floor, leaving uncovered food.

Wash Your Hands

One of the other common and dangerous kitchen nightmares is cross contamination. Washing hands before you do anything is mandatory. Anyone who is indulge in cooking activity should wash their hand before handling food, in between holding raw food and other ingredients and after visiting the toilet. Your staff should be well trained and should understand what cross contamination is and how to avoid it.

Food Storage Disasters

All the times the food should be stored properly. To avoid contamination from insects and vermin, and prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria meat, dairy and fresh food should be stored in an environment where temperature is controlled or in a sealed containers as required. Raw food and cooked food should be kept separately to prevent any cross contamination problems.

Flaky Walls

Ideally the kitchen should be perfectly clean with spotless wall, floors and ceilings. But practically it is not implemented. It is not uncommon to see the floors which are uneven, tiles which cracked and flaking paints in food preparation area. Such problems can be avoided with the help of regular maintenance and scheduled cleaning. Deal with all the above mentioned kitchen nightmares before they become threat for you.

Top 4 Benefits of Alloy Steel Castings

Top 4 Benefits of Alloy Steel Castings

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Top 4 Benefits of Alloy Steel Castings

As with regular alloys, alloy steel has created the addition of alloying elements are added to iron along with carbon. The simplest steel is iron, which is alloyed with carbon. Alloy steel casting exporters look for other metals that would lend their specific properties to the iron-and-carbon blend. Some of the more common alloys used include manganese, silicon, boron, chromium, and nickel. Alloy steels come with improved properties as compared to regular or carbon steel hot hardness, shine, wear resistance, harden ability and corrosion resistance. Alloy steel is used in all kinds of industrial applications, due to its unique properties. Alloy Steel casting's Unique properties or Top 4 benefits are as follows:

1. Improved strength

Alloy steels are much stronger and tougher than regular or carbon steel due adding of nickel, manganese, nickel, and copper. Since they contain less steel, they are much lighter than regular steel and are good for vehicles which in turn lead to fuel economy and less road damage. They are equally better than carbon steel and are smaller in size. The higher tensile strength and lighter weight also help in designing bridges so that the center spans can be longer and there is need of few supporting beams. Also used in the making of television transmitter masts, the extra strength allows the sections to be thinner and more stable to due to higher resistance to the wind.

2. Durability
Due to the addition of nickel, zirconium, cerium, and calcium, alloy steel is much more durable. Alloy steel can withstand heat and wear-and-tear better than other metals, and therefore has a much longer life span. Therefore, they are well-suited for streetlight poles, oil storage tanks, and earth moving equipment. They are also ideal for automobile and machinery parts due to the same reason. They are also resistant to high temperatures and are therefore helpful in heavy welding and pressure cutting.

3. Powerful, yet lightweight
As mentioned above, alloy steel is extremely light but is sturdy enough. Vehicle manufacturing factories choose alloy steel over regular or carbon steel to produce high-performance wheels. For example, drivers find it easier to handle, steering, cornering and accelerate in cars fitted with alloy wheels rather than steel wheels. Alloy wheels also offer a better braking performance and decrease the risk of brake failure to a large extent. The secret behind the better braking is the superior traction due to the reduction of the wheel hop with the alloy wheels. Alloy wheels are also good for tubeless, as compared to steel tires, and are completely airtight.

4. Corrosion and weather resistant
One of the most important properties of alloy steel is that it is weather- and corrosion resistant. Its anti-corrosion properties come by adding chromium, copper, and nickel to steel and carbon. Anti-corrosion is an essential property, especially if the structure is placed outside. Since it does not rust even in its bare condition, there is no need to repaint or re-galvanize it. Some of the applications here would include sculptures and other structures that are constantly exposed to harsh weather and less maintenance.

Therefore, alloy steel is the new favorite over other forms of steel due to its many benefits. Alloy steel casting exporters are constantly on the lookout for more alloyants to customize steel as per customers needs. To search for high-quality alloy steel, look for renowned companies to get the best product at the best price. If you know more about Alloy Steel Castings and want to share it with us, then kindly comment here. you can also ask us anything about Alloy steel castings, we will answer you!

Tips to Reduce the Need for Drain Cleaning

Tips to Reduce the Need for Drain Cleaning

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Tips to Reduce the Need for Drain Cleaning

You will know that your home is getting older when different components begin falling apart and you need to invest in regular upkeep. You start by repainting the exterior, replace broken or inefficient appliances or even buy a new refrigerator. The worst of all these inefficiencies is when pipes clog and drain cleaning Ohio becomes a necessity.

When the plumbing begins to fail most people will begin by pouring a bottle of some clearing liquid and hope that things will work out. However, experience shows that this only makes matters worse. What you need during such a time is to get a residential plumbing service provider so they can get things flowing again.

The pipes in your home can become a veritable net for manner of things that get their way into the tubes. If people are not pouring grease through the kitchen sink they are flushing soap chips and hair. Millions of people flush items down their toilet that should have found their way to the garbage can.

If people were to be honest, they would admit that their shove more than enough food into their garbage disposal. The biggest problem with this habit is that sooner or later you will be dealing with stoppages and back-ups that eventually impede waste water from flowing. The only action that will save your day is hiring an expert in drain cleaning Ohio to sort out the mess.

Thankfully, there are important things you can do and avoid paying for residential plumbing every so often in relation to clogged drains. The first thing you want to do is to get a strainer from your local hardware store a strainer becomes very instrumental in catching hair, which is one of the major causes of blocked drains. Once you are done with your shower, all that you need to do is to clean out the soap and hair that would have accumulated before you return the strainer.

There are many things that slip into the drain via the kitchen sink; you need a fine screen that will trap the tiny food pieces that almost always end up clogging the system. While vegetables can easily break down once they enter the drain, the process of decomposition will cause bad odor.  Dissolved fats are usually the main reason homeowners have to pay a residential plumber to do regular drain cleaning.

You can save the money that is spent on drain cleaning Ohio but you must work hard to achieve that goal. Simply make sure the only thing you allow to go into your drains is toilet paper. If you dispose anything else through the plumbing instead of the trash can, you can be sure you will be paying your residential plumber on account of drain cleaning.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Tips On How To Tile Around Kitchen Sink

Tips On How To Tile Around Kitchen Sink

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Tips On How To Tile Around Kitchen Sink

Beauty of your sink could be enhanced by putting tiles around it. These tiles also protect the wooden countertop from being spoiled by moisture, as it is continuously exposed to the wet atmosphere. You'll be able to select tiles that match your sink color and style. Fixing tiles around the kitchen sink will not be a big deal and it could be accomplished effortlessly by adopting proper process and appropriate planning. You should have tiles, a self rimming sink, tile saw, appropriate adhesive, grout, notched trowel, wax pencil, sponge and caulk before you start tiling your sink.

To get a newbie, it is best to use a self rimming sink which can be the simplest one to be installed. In self rimming sink, the periphery of the sink needs not to become installed separately; rather, it is part of the sink. The rim of the sink rests on the edges of the countertop surface. This sink provides you an advantage that you do not need to be concerned in regards to the best finish and cuts of your tiles, because the tile cuts are covered under the rim of sink. The sink hole should be higher than the bowl of sink to some extent, however it should be smaller than the rim.

In the beginning, start placing the tiles on the entire surface of countertop leaving the area around the sink hole. You should keep tiling unless that you are not in a position to fit complete size tiles any more. Right after that, you have to position the tiles on the edges of the sink hole in such a way that some portion of the tile is resting on the countertop even though other is suspending over the hole. These tiles ought to be accurately aligned with the neighboring tiles. Now, it's important to cut this added portion of the tile which can be hanging more than the sink hole. Take the support of wax pencil to mark lines on each and every of these hanging tiles to indicate the place from exactly where tile should be cut. Before dislodging tiles from countertop, you should mark numbers on each and every tile so that you can bear in mind what the positions of tiles had been. You may give first number to the front center tile and keep marking numbers about the sink in sequence.

Any time you are done with numbering of tiles, take away them from the countertop and cut the tiles by the saw. Apply tile adhesive on the location from where tiles have been removed for cutting. Use notched trowel for spreading the glue. Put back all the cut tiles to their positions keeping the cut edges towards the sink hole based on their numbering. Leave them overnight to settle.

Now, spread grout in your countertop with grout float. The grouting should be performed very carefully so as to ensure that grout has been settled among the tile gaps. Give setting time of 10 minutes and then clean the surface by wiping off the extra grout from the surface of the tiles. A moist sponge should be used for cleaning. Grout demands settling time of one day therefore leave it for 24 hours and then fix the sink. The rim of the sink has to sit on the tile edges which should hide the cut edges of tiles. Sink should be caulked for correct sealing with the tiles.

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Tips On Buying A Cookie Press

Tips On Buying A Cookie Press

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Tips On Buying A Cookie Press

diiv laass""iilldiiv laass""iillrttmmeeee""ppooeey==ccneetteeccdddd>>p>Feeling uuggyy rrbb a cooii..CCooiissaaeessmmttiiggttaa aa  eeiiaaiie ouu  aatt uuss hh orr oooii oonnssiirrssssiill toommnn..HHwwvvrr mkknn ookkee s oommoo rr..YYuuccnn assly ake ookiissuuiiggaaccooii rrss ooll hicc iillmmxxmmss oosssseecc nn ffiiiinnyyppooiiiiggeettrrooddnnr  eeuutt nd assee ff cuuss.. A ookkeeppeesswwll aaeeccte hhppddccooiissttaa iill ooo oodd t erve.. I uss  ddssmoreeppooeessooaadiiv laass""iillrttmmeeee""ppooeey==ccneetteeccdddd>>p>Feeling uuggyy rrbb a cooii..CCooiissaaeessmmttiiggttaa aa  eeiiaaiie ouu  aatt uuss hh orr oooii oonnssiirrssssiill toommnn..HHwwvvrr mkknn ookkee s oommoo rr..YYuuccnn assly ake ookiissuuiiggaaccooii rrss ooll hicc iillmmxxmmss oosssseecc nn ffiiiinnyyppooiiiiggeettrrooddnnr  eeuutt nd assee ff cuuss.. A ookkeeppeesswwll aaeeccte hhppddccooiissttaa iill ooo oodd t erve.. I uss  ddssmoreeppooeessooaaiimmtt oorrwwrkk
soommnn aaiittee vviiaall n the market, choosing a cookie press might baffle some of them. If you are cookie lover, cookie press is a must buy for you. Below are some tips thatt iillggiieeyyuuttrruuhhtteeppooeessoo hh urccaaeeoo  ookkee pess::/p> Teer w ye fte oki rs,eeti okepesadaulcoi rs. na okepes niepnie rlssdvc hc a eue opescoisaddcrt esrsacrigt h ccessre rvdd n h te ad lcrccoi rs nrae ossec eesadpoie osatpesn aigyutm.Hwvr o att rs eve og, u s hoe adr oes<l> >hooss ooddqqaaiiyymmddll aaee srr  hhttthh  ttaahheettoo haft s mmoohh<l><l>Aod dl htctc us eyqil.I ol euetelf fyu qimn.Ra okepesrvest e ete daao t<l>>Cos oesta r ofral ohnl.A ayt s okepesi lasafvual pins htcide a vn e ithu ay opeii novd<l>><strrnn>>OO ookie rees</strrng>>/p>
soommnn aaiittee vviiaall n the market, choosing a cookie press might baffle some of them. If you are cookie lover, cookie press is a must buy for you. Below are some tips thatt iillggiieeyyuuttrruuhhtteeppooeessoo hh urccaaeeoo  ookkee pess::/p> Teer w ye fte oki rs,eeti okepesadaulcoi rs. na okepes niepnie rlssdvc hc a eue opescoisaddcrt esrsacrigt h ccessre rvdd n h te ad lcrccoi rs nrae ossec eesadpoie osatpesn aigyutm.Hwvr o att rs eve og, u s hoe adr oes<l> >hooss ooddqqaaiiyymmddll aaee srr  hhttthh  ttaahheettoo haft s mmoohh<l><l>Aod dl htctc us eyqil.I ol euetelf fyu qimn.Ra okepesrvest e ete daao t<l>>Cos oesta r ofral ohnl.A ayt s okepesi lasafvual pins htcide a vn e ithu ay opeii novd<l>><strrnn>>OO ookie rees</strrng>>/p>
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Three tips talk yourself to financial freedom

Three tips talk yourself to financial freedom

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Three tips talk yourself to financial freedom

Feeling trapped by lack of funds? We can learn from those who live comfortably and retire early. They speak a different language from those who are stuck in a scarcity process.

1. Banish the word "expensive" from your vocabulary. Replace with, "That's not a priority for me."

"Expensive" is relative.

In my town, a group of people get together every day for coffee and conversation. My neighbor, Jane, refuses to participate

"Two dollars for a cup of coffee? " she sniffs. "Expensive!"

When you work at home, you need a break and you want to talk to other like-minded people. The value of coffee is table rent and support. We want to keep the caf open so we'll have a place to hang out.

My friend "Laura" used to get her nails done every week while she was unemployed and broke and had no interviews lined up. Impractical? Frivolous? Expensive?

For Laura, manicures were a symbol of where she had been and where she will be in the future. She spent money for her priority with no regrets.

2. Banish the sentence "I can't afford it." Replace with, "That's on my wish list."

Adding an item to your official wish list makes a statement. Do you really want a new car, kitchen set or vacation? Or do you realize you already have what you "can't afford?"

Looking around my eclectic collection of living room furniture, I can dream of spending lavishly for designer furniture, ceramic artwork and crystal lamps. I also know these items will never appear on my wish list.

Even the best-mannered cat will deposit an occasional surprise on the couch, and the dog's exuberant personality can leave a trail of broken glass. Regardless of politics, many of us empathized when the wife of newly-elected Governor Jeb Bush admitted," When you have pets you can't have an elegant home."

Saying "can't afford" puts you in a one-down position. Creating a wish list generates abundance and clarifies values. I'd put "three cats and two dogs" on my wish -- but not "designer furniture."

3. Forbid all talk about what you don't have. Replace with appreciation for what you enjoy now.

Hortensia complains about her lack of money . True, her salary is not high by any standards -- but her job offers security, generous vacation time, and excellent retirement benefits. Her location allows her to hike in the woods and fish in the lakes.

An image of abundance will enhance your strengths. Most of us have more than we realize -- in real as well as abstract terms. I encourage clients to meet with a financial planner, especially if they're facing experiencing career transition. Often a professional review helps people realize they're better off than they realized.

Bottom Line

Talking your way to financial freedom -- simple? Yes, but effective. Try these steps for a week and notice a difference -- first in your thoughts, soon in your life.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Things to Look Out for When Doing a Building Inspection

Things to Look Out for When Doing a Building Inspection

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Things to Look Out for When Doing a Building Inspection

This guide should help both sellers and buyers to make the selling of your house to make the whole thing a lot more transparent. A good builder friend from New Zealand Home Inspections and me have put this together so that you may use it to your advantage. The information is probably the same as what you already know but it is good to have a check list. To use this properly I recommend to PRINT THIS OUT and take it with you when you go to inspect the home you are interested in.

For sellers this is what buyers will look out for:

For buyers this is what you need to look out for.

There are many things you need to look out for but these are the main and obvious ones you can look at without needing a builder.


Does each door panel open and shut without obstruction of the door frame?
Is the door panel a true rectangle shape or has it been planed to fit the frame?
Tip: Check for uneven gaps at the top and bottom of the door panel, if it is uneven maybe the piles have sunk.


Attempt to open and close each window.
Look for condensation and damp damage.
Are there any cracked panels of glass?
Tip: Often timber frames are patched and painted with fiberglass filler, look for irregularities in the paint surface. Fiberglass filler and putties are only a short term repair they usually hide much worse damage.

Wall & Ceiling Surfaces

From the door way openings look at the line of the wall is there any buckling.
Solid brick walls may have damp issues, are there any mould stains or irregular areas of fresh paint.
Check the level of the ceilings is even and consistent or is there a lot of patch repair and damp stains.
If it is a solid brick wall check for damp and mould markings along the floor level.
Tip: Shine a torch from an angel at the wall and ceiling surfaces, this can highlight patch repairs and thin paint cover.

Tip: Sagging in the ceiling can indicate a past roof leak and should signal close attention to the condition of the roof and its performance.


Look for damp stains at the junction of the splash back and kitchen sink.
Check under the kitchen sink common leaks occur in the waste pipes.
Take a hold of the plumbing from under the sink/bench top and give a firm but gentle shake to ensure the fittings are secure.
Tip: Many cook top exhaust systems are installed without an external vent. Open the cupboards above the exhaust system and look for signs of excess cooking fat. Is the cupboard shallow or has there been no feasible space for a flue to be provided. Check the roof line above the kitchen to see if an external flue exists above the location of the kitchen.


Turn taps on and off.
How long for hot water to start running?
Check under sink for leaks.
Check for any grout or sealant missing from the edge of shower bases, bath tubs and tiles.
Check for installation of an exhaust fan.
Check that shower screens open and close without damage.
Tip: Often tap handle leaks occur from behind the tiled surface. If there is good sub floor access and some one is with you ask them to turn the taps on and off as you look from under the house for any drips.


Usually the simplest of service areas to inspect check that the trough is secured in place, check for rust and ensure that there is a seal between the trough and the wall.
The wall behind the trough should be tiled.
For apartments pay particular attention to the location of an overflow drain pipe in the floor surface.
Tip: Make sure you open the door of the trough cupboard; some troughs are painted up for sale but the internal casing may be significantly affected by rust.


Flush Toilet while viewing the area behind the seat look for leaks at the cistern and waste pipes. Aged rubber seals should be replaced.
Check for excessive use of silicon sealant this is a sign of leakage and poor quality repair.
Listen for water that is still running after the cistern has been filled ? It should come to a stop ? not continue forever.
Tip: Gently nudge your knee against the toilet pan, if it moves the mounting screws are loose and you will be prone to leakage from waste and cistern pipe seals. Secure and service seals.

Tip: The flush valve within a cistern requires servicing to ensure no water wastage occurs.

Roof Frame

Seek to determine the type of timber used. If possible access the roof space.
Hardwood timber indicates that you may endure the sound of roof creaks and also cracks in ceiling plaster during the change of seasons.
A Pine Timber is used in prefabricated trusses and is usually much more stable.
View the roof from the street, does it appear uniform or are there wave like patterns in the surface.
Tip: Pay close attention to areas around roof skylights and air conditioning services, poor quality trade services have been known to saw through critical roof timbers during installation.

Roof Cover & Drainage

Check that Iron roofs are free of rust, pay close attention to the roof colour as it is not uncommon to find that owners have painted over rust damage.
Look for faded colour on concrete tiles to indicate the need for new sealant.
Look for cracked mortar pointing along the ridge, hip and valley tiles.
Check of rust marks along valley iron, gutters and down pipes.
Is there any rust or water marks on the timber and eave lining beneath the roof line, this indicates leakage?
Check that down pipes are connected to a storm water pipe at ground level and not just left to discharge rain water at the base of the house.
Tip: Tiled roofs deteriorate with age also and concrete tiles in particular require new sealant after about 25 years, they otherwise can become porous and deteriorate at a rapid rate. The sealant then needs to be applied again every 7- 10 years to ensure the material quality of the tile is preserved.

Tip: Terra cotta roof tiles that are older than 50 years of age have a very unpredictable performance quality and professional servicing becomes very costly, the tiles become very brittle and can not be walked on.

External Wall Surface

Check the lines in the timber weather boards; they may have sagging or bowed lines if the structure has moved.
Check for damp rot adjacent to window openings, plumbing and at ground level.
Cracks in brick work that are of a significant concern would normally be obvious as large cracks. Pay particular attention around door and window openings, this is where the first signs of movement usually occurs.
Scrape the mortar joins within a brick wall with a screwdriver, if it is removed freely and has a dusty quality. The joints may need to be raked and pointed with new mortar.
Tip: Damp rot usually starts at the join in timber weatherboard, timber at the corners of a house are at highest risk of having damp rot damage.

Tip: Pay close attention to walls adjacent to large trees for concern of the root structure causing damage.

Sub Floor Area

Check the material quality of the stumps; probe the base of the stumps with a large screwdriver.
Check the soil surface under the house for any water courses.
If it is on a concrete slab check that garden bed levels are kept below the line of the internal floor level.
There should be a fall in the surface of the ground adjacent to the building perimeter that directs surface water away from the house.

The next two things you will most likely want a professionals opinion on.

Plumbing Service

Check the outgoing pipe at the water meter to determine the material used for the main supply line.
Check waste pipes for cracks and broken seals.
Tip: Galvanised pipes are a cause of poor quality water and poor pressure; they should be updated for Copper or PVC. If the pipes are dirty scratch through the surface, a silver colour indicates galvanized pipe and copper colour, copper pipe.

Tip: It is only a licensed plumber whom can provide a truly professional accurate indication of the plumbing service. They will use specialized testing equipment and pressure tests and pin point exact location of leaks or failure in the waste plumbing. A typical pre-purchase building inspection will only provide a general overview.

Electrical Service

Open the fuse box and observe whether it contains a fuse wire system or a modern circuit breaker system.
Check for the physical presence of an Earth Leakage Safety Switch.
If there is an opportunity to view the roof space or under house area look for the use of wiring cable that is of a white colour, this is usually the modern standard.
Black coloured cable and the use of timber cable trays cause certain concern for the need of a wiring update.
Tip: Only a licensed electrician can provide an accurate test and assessment of a home wiring service and safety. A building inspectors comments will only relate to a visual observation as to whether there have been wiring and or fuse box updates.

Tip: Make installation and testing of a Safety Switch a number one priority upon purchasing a new home.

Deon Swiggs

Property Profits

The Secret to Keeping a Clean Bathroom

The Secret to Keeping a Clean Bathroom

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The Secret to Keeping a Clean Bathroom

How clean is your bathroom? If youre like most of us, though you try your best to keep your bathroom clean, it inevitably becomes a cluttered mess in no time. If this sounds familiar, then try these bathroom organization tips to help keep toiletries out of the way, yet right within reach.

Ah, the under the sink area; a prime culprit for bathroom clutter. Sure, its a great place to store items, but just how easy is it to grab one thing without knocking half a dozen other items over? Best way to overcome this dilemma: the Gray Expandable Under Sink Shelf. This steel mesh, two tier shelf adjusts between 1.5 and 2.5 feet to fit tight storage areas in the bathroom. Five removable panels on each shelf allow pipes to go through without intrusion; a very clever design feature rarely found in this type of organizer. Great for both toiletries and cleaning supplies. Not a bad idea for taming any organizational disasters under your kitchen sink, too.

The areas over the toilet and next to the sink are oft-overlooked for available storage space. Find a good organizational unit, and youre in business. The Over Toilet Storage and Sink Saver Organizer create ample storage in small places. The base unit features a neutral design that complements any dcor; fits over all standard fixtures and includes two storage towers with toilet and tissue dispensers. Combine the base with a top unit featuring open shelves and two additional towers for more organization. The ultra-compact vanity unit adds storage next to the sink with easy access to your favorite accessories. Its smart design offers drawer with dividers, a magazine rack and attractive frosted glass top.

The Over Door Two Basket Towel Rack is a must for those with tiny bathrooms. This miracle of organization hangs on any standard door no tools required! Instantly transform the back of your bathroom door into a tidy, organized storage area. Stock the two baskets with frequently-used items such as lotions, hair-care products, cleansers and more. Hang your towels on the lower bar. Storage problem solved!

Cosmetics queens agree that make-up is a prime source of out-of-control clutter. Fortunately, theres the Rolling Make-Up Cart, a secret of big-city beauty aficionados. This 37 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 11 3/4"organizes cosmetics, beauty supplies and hair-care products on four frosted glass shelves. The chrome frame even has a towel rack major bonus. Four easy-gliding casters make this organizer a mandatory item for beauty mavens everywhere.

If your bathroom is so tiny, there isnt even space to store a make-up cart, opt for the Hanging Expandable Make-Up Organizer. This useful organizer adjusts width from 11 to 18 inches, conforming to most drawers. Eight compartments of various sizes provide abundant extra space above a drawers existing contents. This provides lots of extra room for make-up, brushes, accessories or other personal items.

Without decent storage options, the shower area can be an organizational nightmare. There are many shower organizers available to suit any need or shower type. One popular catch-all is the Convertible Shower Caddy. Store that shampoo, conditioner and body wash in one tidy space with this smart, compact unit that hangs from the shower arm or can even be flipped over to hang from the door or wall. Shelves are deep and adjustable; great for larger bottles. For added stability, use the included suction cups.

Need extra shower storage? A Tension Pole Shower Organizer is the way to go. These spring-loaded, wall and ceiling-safe units can be installed without tools in seconds in your shower stall or tub to organize and store all your bathing necessities. Four large adjustable wire baskets can be placed anywhere on the pole to hold hair-care bottles and tubs, sponges, scrubs, soaps, and more. Also includes a towel bar for your washcloth and a hook for a shower brush or loofah.
The Double Dispenser with Shower Basket is a dream come true for the organizationally-obsessed. These uber-chic organizers are all the rage right now. Dispense your favorite shower liquids with push-button convenience. Pre-measured pump delivers the perfect amount every time. Unit also features handy storage hooks for razors and accessories. The smart, chrome-plated steel basket lends a clean, modern feel. Bring the spa to your home shower.

The blow dryer and brush: the Bonnie and Clyde of clutter until now. Tame them with the Sure-Loc Hair Dryer Holder. Clear that counter top or under the sink. This clever hair dryer holder provides handy storage for both your blow dryer and brush. An industrial-strength rubber suction cup enables quick, secure installation sans tools. Works directly on smooth surfaces such as tile or glass or mirror, or use the adhesive disks (included) for installing on textured surfaces like drywall, wood or melamine cabinets. Install on the inside of the cabinet door, the side of a vanity or directly on the wall; the choice is up to you.

Now, you have all the resources you could ever need for a perfectly-organized bathroom. What will you do with all the time you save now? Hmmm, perhaps its time to tackle that kitchen clutter problem.

The Metlund D'mand S-02T Hot Water Pump vs. the Chilipepper CP6000 Pump

The Metlund D'mand

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The Metlund D'mand S-02T Hot Water Pump vs. the Chilipepper CP6000 Pump

Hot Water Demand Systems

The S-02T Series DMAND System is a "Demand" type hot water delivery system, meaning that the hot water does not get pumped to your fixtures unless you "demand" it by pushing a button or activating the system in some other way.

The pump is located at a fixture such as under the bathroom sink or under the kitchen sink. Typically you would want to locate it at the end of a main hot water run that supplies other fixtures as well so you can use one pump for several fixtures. It depends of course, on how your home was plumbed.

When the pump senses a sudden increase in temperature it knows the hot water is arriving and it shuts off so the hot water does not get into the cold water line. The Metlund pumps turn off when they sense a 3 increase in temperature. Now you have hot water instantly at the fixture and anywhere else plumbed off the main line.

According to Metlund, the S-02T models are designed for use in large homes or commercial buildings where the distance from the water heater to the farthest fixture is greater than 100 feet. They are compatible with tankless water heaters.

The pump has a maximum pressure of about 13 PSI and a 1/8 horsepower motor.

The S-02T model weighs 16 lbs. Dimensions are 16" wide, 9" deep, and 6" tall. The motor used for the S-02T is a Taco Model 0011 Circulator pump.

Installation of the S-02T requires full 1/2" plumbing connections, normally requiring the removal of the angle stops under the sink to "T" into the piping. This is because the pump does not develop enough pressure to overcome the pressure drop that would occur in the small openings in fixture supply hoses.

The prices listed are from Metlund's website.

Metlund Dmand S-02T-PF Kit retails for about $797.50, and comes with flanges, two copper T compression fittings, and two stainless steel flex-lines for easy installation.

Metlund Dmand S-02T-PF-R Kit ($852.55) Same as S-02T-PF plus one remote control package.

The Chilipepper Model CP6000 Demand Hot Water Pump

The CP6000 is also a demand system very similar to the Metlund D'mand System. The major differences include a much more powerful motor...1/3 horsepower, a much higher maximum pump pressure...50 PSI, and an adjustable shut off sensing temperature. The range is 3 to 12, which allows you to fine tune the "hotness" of the delivered water when the pump shuts off.

The high rpm powerful motor makes enough noise that you can hear it run. Since you can hear it run you can hear it shut off and you then know it's time to turn on the hot water.

Connection to the plumbing is done with the same type of supply hoses as most of today's homes. The water supply to the house does not need to be turned off. You just shut off the angle stops under the sink, connect up the hoses, and turn the valves back on.

The CP6000 weighs 5 pounds, Dimensions are 6" wide, 8-1/4" deep, and 3-7/8" tall..

The CP6000 works great with any tankless water heater on the market regardless of brand or model.

The CP6000 retails for $179.99 and comes with a button, a six foot control wire, and two "T" fittings with adaptors for 1/2" or 3/8" hoses.

The CP6000 can be purchased bundled with a remote control receiver and transmitter for $215.99 on their website.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Biggest Secret To Staying Raw

The Biggest Secret To Staying Raw

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The Biggest Secret To Staying Raw

It has always fascinated me as to why some people seem to get into raw foods and stay there while others yo-yo for months, years or even decades. The conclusion I have come to after much observation, thought and reflection is that quite simply some people have a lot more incentive than others. They have an exceptionally BIG WHY.

For some a very tiny percentage it seems - it just resonates so completely and deeply with them from the get-go that no matter what life may bring or what others might say, there is simply no room for manoeuvre, and this, I feel is pretty amazing - respect! For others besides, their health dictates that raw food is the only food their body will tolerate, period, and so eating anything else is not an option unless they want to feel extremely ill and suffer accordingly. For others even less physically well it may even mean the difference between life and death.

It has been my reality and the majority of my clients that, sporadically, and even to this day I have to keep almost constant vigilance on my thoughts and feelings to stay with raw food when it would be so much easier sometimes not to. As soon as I find myself thinking non-raw thoughts, even though they are rare and while I dont give myself a hard time about it like I once used to, I do find myself feeling frustrated that it even crosses my mind when intellectually I know all the reasons why I shouldnt, physically my body simply does not respond positively to cooked foods and spiritually I know that raw food is the perfect fuel for me at the highest level. Which only leaves one thing, right? Emotions!

Yes, most of us are emotional eaters whether we realise it or not. We are largely far more sensitive creatures than we realise and while women are typically more prone to comfort eating than men, there are many men who also reach for bread and cheese or chocolate chip cookies when life gets them down and how!

A clue to the Biggest Secret that I speak of lays in the last few words of the last line above: when life gets them down.

As regular readers will know, one of the key facets of my raw food philosophy is that we are energetic beings living in an energetic world, where our food and drink also has its own unique resonance (as does everything in this world); and so our food choices, like everything we bring into our world, internally or externally in thought, feeling or form, will by default affect our own resonance positively or negatively.

As such we frequently find ourselves in what we might perceive as negative situations or states stress, fear, frustration, worry etc. and consequently we are far more likely to reach for foods with the same or similar energy, especially when hungry, because like attracts like and somehow on some level it just feels somehow right even if our head is saying no, no, no!.

I believe that our job as conscious health seekers is to recognise this, however difficult it may be at times, and to consciously choose higher vibration foods (e.g. fresh fruit, wild greens and living foods which sit at top of the tree vibrationally, especially when freshly picked) along with other high vibrational activities, places or people so that we can bring ourselves up and out of the feeling and once more increase our resonance and get back to poise and balance.

Easier said than done sometimes though, eh?

This is where having your house in order is vital; whether it means literally clearing the clutter internally or externally, sorting out longstanding issues of any kind at all, having your kitchen set up for success so that raw is easy, having the genuine heartfelt desire to go raw and stay raw, or knowing who you are and what you want (no small issue) all of these things help tip the scales so that you can stay raw more easily when something less-than-great comes up against you. This advice just given is a good tip that all of us can use, and one that is easily overlooked: Tip the everyday scales in your favour so that one piece of stress doesnt alter your equilibrium too much, and it will only take a tiny tweak to get you back on track. Call it saving the energetic pennies if you like!

All that said, and as valid as it may be, the biggest piece of the jigsaw, I feel, the must-have at the very top of the list and the biggest secret of all is having a life vision that is as inspiring and magnificent and as personal to us as we can possibly make it. In short, a life that is bigger than us, as beautiful as it can be and something we can and will step into, because living foods equal expansion and growth and you absolutely must have somewhere to grow - and the bigger the better.

Or, more accurately by far and this is vital: The Brighter The Better. Raw plant foods bring light into our physical by the very fact that they have been grown in the sunshine and have taken it into their form (and it hasnt been cooked out). I believe it is our job as human beings to embody as much light and power as possible, and raw foods are just one more way and a very significant way, that we can take this on and literally shine from the inside out.

The latter is key, because, have a think about it... When life gets me down I want to eat cooked food (and this can be true sometimes for even just a little bit down), but the good news is that also the opposite is true: When life lifts me up eating raw is easy!

If you fall into the yo-yo category as I have done, my coaching challenge to you this week is to take a very close look at your life every facet of your life, in as minute detail as you can possibly manage and to be brutally honest with yourself about what has been bringing you down short term and perhaps longer. Write down every little thing you can think of, all will become clear as to why at the end of this article.

Then, for challenge number two, do the opposite. Reflect back on all the times you stayed raw for a significant period of time, say one whole month without exceptions whatever feels significant for you - and ask yourself, What was going on in my life then? Where was I at in my world on the outside and on the inside? Chances are it wont be very long before you start making some connections as to why some chapters of your life were harder to stay raw than others. Note all of these positive factors down too.

For my part I have come to a point in my own journey and evolution where my toleration of less than wonderful is down to virtually nil. This is shocking to me; I never predicted this, even though it has been incremental and I have noticed it happening... but suddenly, since my life-chaning trip to Sedona in October it has been harder to argue with this reality than ever before. After many years of pursuing a lighter path I have become so used to living in a very happy place (inside and out) that as soon as I come into contact with a person, circumstance or general life event that doesnt feel good to me I am very sensitive to it just like I am with cooked food and if I keep myself in that situation any longer than absolutely necessary then I am immediately transported to a lower state where cooked foods suddenly look appealing again. Very interesting! This is absolutely why spiritual teachers talk to us about spiritual protection; we have to hold on to the good energy we have accrued and not give permission or opportunity to anyone or anything to take it away. I think it is high time I polished up my golden sphere and got myself back into it!!

So the challenge here is for each of us to keep our eyes to the sky, and with every extra step you take on your raw food journey to recognise that as your raw energy increases and affects you on every level, so too will you have to consciously keep your eye on the game as far as how your life is showing up externally, because the two need to be a perfect match. If theyre not, if your energy keeps rising and you havent moved your goalposts forward then I feel absolutely sure that it wont be long before you get bored and start looking around for additional thrills in the shape of forbidden foods or other toxic activities because quite frankly, they will excite the mind, body, emotions and spirit more than ever before and not necessarily in a good way!

Just as a teenager may experiment with recreational substances for a thrill that takes them out of reality and into something more exciting (but physically damaging), so too will we return to the excitement that is cooked food, because the cleaner we get the more it stimulates us and the bigger rush we feel. It is the sneaky influence that comes in with big promises and yet leaves us feeling worse than we did before - always. The more raw you go the more you will know this to be true.

The secret therefore is to keep moving your vision further out. As you grow and evolve, so should your idea of who you are and what you can accomplish or experience during this lifetime. Energetically I believe anything is possible. I believe that your life can be as big as any vision you choose to hold. I believe that by the very fact that you can conceive it, you CAN achieve it. I have proved this true many times in my own life with very big and bold goals that the old me would have thought impossible. You just have to ask for answers, to find your path, to ask for help and guidance and listen to what comes into your life, but most importantly of all you have to keep taking action and every action needs to be in the upward direction, taking you further into positive and further tipping those scales.

When the body aligns itself with this reality through the power of raw and living foods, then indeed a whole new world of possibilities opens up. If we are not ready for this, do not understand it or fear we may be lonely walking this incredible path, then you can imagine... Once again we have more than a few good reasons to eat cooked food, especially since everyone else is doing it! But hold fast, because this is pioneering territory and you will know as well as I do, that when you step into raw you step into a world that you never want to leave.

So... Challenge number three is to get clear on what you want the other side to look like if you are to stay the right side of the door. What does your idea of Raw Heaven look and feel like? Who are you within it? Who is with you? What are you doing? How do you spend your days? Where are you going? All these things and more are vital for you to get clear on if you want to stay conscious in a bright new world that challenges you to tap more into your unconscious while staying in the land of the living! I believe this is what we were meant to experience when we were told to pursue creating heaven on earth. Unfortunately the common belief on our planet is that our physical body has no part to play in this vision other than to simply sit within it and look at it! I believe that our body in many ways IS it, and everything springs from there our thoughts, feelings, emotions, connection, actions and thus by our thoughts, feelings and actions a new reality is created. Big stuff I know, but tell me Im wrong? Is this not why we were told to treat our body as a temple?

This would certainly explain why those who spend a large part of their energy talking about why they cant go raw or cant make their mind up about it stay stuck in the yo-yo zone. They want both worlds and fully own neither. They focus on what they dont have or cant do instead of focussing on the positive that is there and then building on it. Both big mistakes, and both I have been guilty of at different times and repeatedly in my own history which is why I can see them so clearly now looking back. If you try to walk two worlds then of course youll have one foot in cooked food and another in raw! Its time to step over the threshold.

I firmly believe that when you get clear on where you are, what you want and then go whole heartedly after it, that is the secret to staying raw. Yes, we have logistical and practical issues - sometimes smaller ones like eating out, socialising and so forth and sometimes larger ones like family opposition and supression but imagine if your life depended on it; dont you think you would find a way of eating raw come what may? You would have to! People would accommodate you. You would have to make some changes but you would be fine. You would be better than fine! So, why not take on this belief anyway, and live as if its true... because as we have discussed, in many respects your life really does depend on it, if we are talking about the kind of life that is far more exciting, rewarding and surreal than the one youre currently living and is actually the one youre designed for and have been called to live.

How is that for some food for thought on a rainy Friday in November?!

With all this said, despite the cold dark nights, look to Nature once more for inspiration. This is the time of year for introspection and contemplation; not necessarily launching into big new projects and running around trying to do it all especially when Nature herself is shedding leaves left and right and quietly, externally shutting down while creating new life out of human sight.

Instead I suggest that you use this time of year to work out your game plan for the spring that lays ahead. USE this time to hone your skills, work through your blocks and release all that that does not serve you. Winter time can be the perfect time for sleeping more, for restoring, for reviving and quietly regenerating and creating new buds of life. Let the dark winter nights be your universal blanket; close your eyes, open your heart to the stars and see what magic falls upon you like powdery snowflakes when your intention is pure, authentic and has unshakeable vision and conviction. This is the time to find out who you are. This is the time to listen to the calling of your heart for where to go next. This is the time to start planning your route. And by the time your work is done the days will have grown longer again and you will be able to move into your game plan with increasing zest and zeal, as you enter the next chapter of your raw evolution in synch with your truest self. This is your chance to start playing hard ball if youre ready. If you have had enough of yo-yoing to national competition level (!), then now is your chance to commit to walking through the door and shutting it fast behind you. You may be pleasantly surprised about what lays waiting for you on the other side. Seemingly great risks can often bring the greatest and most unimaginable of rewards. Just make sure you bring some company - you'll be wanting someone to dance with : )

Personal Hygiene of the Kitchen Steward

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