Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Biggest Secret To Staying Raw

The Biggest Secret To Staying Raw

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The Biggest Secret To Staying Raw

It has always fascinated me as to why some people seem to get into raw foods and stay there while others yo-yo for months, years or even decades. The conclusion I have come to after much observation, thought and reflection is that quite simply some people have a lot more incentive than others. They have an exceptionally BIG WHY.

For some a very tiny percentage it seems - it just resonates so completely and deeply with them from the get-go that no matter what life may bring or what others might say, there is simply no room for manoeuvre, and this, I feel is pretty amazing - respect! For others besides, their health dictates that raw food is the only food their body will tolerate, period, and so eating anything else is not an option unless they want to feel extremely ill and suffer accordingly. For others even less physically well it may even mean the difference between life and death.

It has been my reality and the majority of my clients that, sporadically, and even to this day I have to keep almost constant vigilance on my thoughts and feelings to stay with raw food when it would be so much easier sometimes not to. As soon as I find myself thinking non-raw thoughts, even though they are rare and while I dont give myself a hard time about it like I once used to, I do find myself feeling frustrated that it even crosses my mind when intellectually I know all the reasons why I shouldnt, physically my body simply does not respond positively to cooked foods and spiritually I know that raw food is the perfect fuel for me at the highest level. Which only leaves one thing, right? Emotions!

Yes, most of us are emotional eaters whether we realise it or not. We are largely far more sensitive creatures than we realise and while women are typically more prone to comfort eating than men, there are many men who also reach for bread and cheese or chocolate chip cookies when life gets them down and how!

A clue to the Biggest Secret that I speak of lays in the last few words of the last line above: when life gets them down.

As regular readers will know, one of the key facets of my raw food philosophy is that we are energetic beings living in an energetic world, where our food and drink also has its own unique resonance (as does everything in this world); and so our food choices, like everything we bring into our world, internally or externally in thought, feeling or form, will by default affect our own resonance positively or negatively.

As such we frequently find ourselves in what we might perceive as negative situations or states stress, fear, frustration, worry etc. and consequently we are far more likely to reach for foods with the same or similar energy, especially when hungry, because like attracts like and somehow on some level it just feels somehow right even if our head is saying no, no, no!.

I believe that our job as conscious health seekers is to recognise this, however difficult it may be at times, and to consciously choose higher vibration foods (e.g. fresh fruit, wild greens and living foods which sit at top of the tree vibrationally, especially when freshly picked) along with other high vibrational activities, places or people so that we can bring ourselves up and out of the feeling and once more increase our resonance and get back to poise and balance.

Easier said than done sometimes though, eh?

This is where having your house in order is vital; whether it means literally clearing the clutter internally or externally, sorting out longstanding issues of any kind at all, having your kitchen set up for success so that raw is easy, having the genuine heartfelt desire to go raw and stay raw, or knowing who you are and what you want (no small issue) all of these things help tip the scales so that you can stay raw more easily when something less-than-great comes up against you. This advice just given is a good tip that all of us can use, and one that is easily overlooked: Tip the everyday scales in your favour so that one piece of stress doesnt alter your equilibrium too much, and it will only take a tiny tweak to get you back on track. Call it saving the energetic pennies if you like!

All that said, and as valid as it may be, the biggest piece of the jigsaw, I feel, the must-have at the very top of the list and the biggest secret of all is having a life vision that is as inspiring and magnificent and as personal to us as we can possibly make it. In short, a life that is bigger than us, as beautiful as it can be and something we can and will step into, because living foods equal expansion and growth and you absolutely must have somewhere to grow - and the bigger the better.

Or, more accurately by far and this is vital: The Brighter The Better. Raw plant foods bring light into our physical by the very fact that they have been grown in the sunshine and have taken it into their form (and it hasnt been cooked out). I believe it is our job as human beings to embody as much light and power as possible, and raw foods are just one more way and a very significant way, that we can take this on and literally shine from the inside out.

The latter is key, because, have a think about it... When life gets me down I want to eat cooked food (and this can be true sometimes for even just a little bit down), but the good news is that also the opposite is true: When life lifts me up eating raw is easy!

If you fall into the yo-yo category as I have done, my coaching challenge to you this week is to take a very close look at your life every facet of your life, in as minute detail as you can possibly manage and to be brutally honest with yourself about what has been bringing you down short term and perhaps longer. Write down every little thing you can think of, all will become clear as to why at the end of this article.

Then, for challenge number two, do the opposite. Reflect back on all the times you stayed raw for a significant period of time, say one whole month without exceptions whatever feels significant for you - and ask yourself, What was going on in my life then? Where was I at in my world on the outside and on the inside? Chances are it wont be very long before you start making some connections as to why some chapters of your life were harder to stay raw than others. Note all of these positive factors down too.

For my part I have come to a point in my own journey and evolution where my toleration of less than wonderful is down to virtually nil. This is shocking to me; I never predicted this, even though it has been incremental and I have noticed it happening... but suddenly, since my life-chaning trip to Sedona in October it has been harder to argue with this reality than ever before. After many years of pursuing a lighter path I have become so used to living in a very happy place (inside and out) that as soon as I come into contact with a person, circumstance or general life event that doesnt feel good to me I am very sensitive to it just like I am with cooked food and if I keep myself in that situation any longer than absolutely necessary then I am immediately transported to a lower state where cooked foods suddenly look appealing again. Very interesting! This is absolutely why spiritual teachers talk to us about spiritual protection; we have to hold on to the good energy we have accrued and not give permission or opportunity to anyone or anything to take it away. I think it is high time I polished up my golden sphere and got myself back into it!!

So the challenge here is for each of us to keep our eyes to the sky, and with every extra step you take on your raw food journey to recognise that as your raw energy increases and affects you on every level, so too will you have to consciously keep your eye on the game as far as how your life is showing up externally, because the two need to be a perfect match. If theyre not, if your energy keeps rising and you havent moved your goalposts forward then I feel absolutely sure that it wont be long before you get bored and start looking around for additional thrills in the shape of forbidden foods or other toxic activities because quite frankly, they will excite the mind, body, emotions and spirit more than ever before and not necessarily in a good way!

Just as a teenager may experiment with recreational substances for a thrill that takes them out of reality and into something more exciting (but physically damaging), so too will we return to the excitement that is cooked food, because the cleaner we get the more it stimulates us and the bigger rush we feel. It is the sneaky influence that comes in with big promises and yet leaves us feeling worse than we did before - always. The more raw you go the more you will know this to be true.

The secret therefore is to keep moving your vision further out. As you grow and evolve, so should your idea of who you are and what you can accomplish or experience during this lifetime. Energetically I believe anything is possible. I believe that your life can be as big as any vision you choose to hold. I believe that by the very fact that you can conceive it, you CAN achieve it. I have proved this true many times in my own life with very big and bold goals that the old me would have thought impossible. You just have to ask for answers, to find your path, to ask for help and guidance and listen to what comes into your life, but most importantly of all you have to keep taking action and every action needs to be in the upward direction, taking you further into positive and further tipping those scales.

When the body aligns itself with this reality through the power of raw and living foods, then indeed a whole new world of possibilities opens up. If we are not ready for this, do not understand it or fear we may be lonely walking this incredible path, then you can imagine... Once again we have more than a few good reasons to eat cooked food, especially since everyone else is doing it! But hold fast, because this is pioneering territory and you will know as well as I do, that when you step into raw you step into a world that you never want to leave.

So... Challenge number three is to get clear on what you want the other side to look like if you are to stay the right side of the door. What does your idea of Raw Heaven look and feel like? Who are you within it? Who is with you? What are you doing? How do you spend your days? Where are you going? All these things and more are vital for you to get clear on if you want to stay conscious in a bright new world that challenges you to tap more into your unconscious while staying in the land of the living! I believe this is what we were meant to experience when we were told to pursue creating heaven on earth. Unfortunately the common belief on our planet is that our physical body has no part to play in this vision other than to simply sit within it and look at it! I believe that our body in many ways IS it, and everything springs from there our thoughts, feelings, emotions, connection, actions and thus by our thoughts, feelings and actions a new reality is created. Big stuff I know, but tell me Im wrong? Is this not why we were told to treat our body as a temple?

This would certainly explain why those who spend a large part of their energy talking about why they cant go raw or cant make their mind up about it stay stuck in the yo-yo zone. They want both worlds and fully own neither. They focus on what they dont have or cant do instead of focussing on the positive that is there and then building on it. Both big mistakes, and both I have been guilty of at different times and repeatedly in my own history which is why I can see them so clearly now looking back. If you try to walk two worlds then of course youll have one foot in cooked food and another in raw! Its time to step over the threshold.

I firmly believe that when you get clear on where you are, what you want and then go whole heartedly after it, that is the secret to staying raw. Yes, we have logistical and practical issues - sometimes smaller ones like eating out, socialising and so forth and sometimes larger ones like family opposition and supression but imagine if your life depended on it; dont you think you would find a way of eating raw come what may? You would have to! People would accommodate you. You would have to make some changes but you would be fine. You would be better than fine! So, why not take on this belief anyway, and live as if its true... because as we have discussed, in many respects your life really does depend on it, if we are talking about the kind of life that is far more exciting, rewarding and surreal than the one youre currently living and is actually the one youre designed for and have been called to live.

How is that for some food for thought on a rainy Friday in November?!

With all this said, despite the cold dark nights, look to Nature once more for inspiration. This is the time of year for introspection and contemplation; not necessarily launching into big new projects and running around trying to do it all especially when Nature herself is shedding leaves left and right and quietly, externally shutting down while creating new life out of human sight.

Instead I suggest that you use this time of year to work out your game plan for the spring that lays ahead. USE this time to hone your skills, work through your blocks and release all that that does not serve you. Winter time can be the perfect time for sleeping more, for restoring, for reviving and quietly regenerating and creating new buds of life. Let the dark winter nights be your universal blanket; close your eyes, open your heart to the stars and see what magic falls upon you like powdery snowflakes when your intention is pure, authentic and has unshakeable vision and conviction. This is the time to find out who you are. This is the time to listen to the calling of your heart for where to go next. This is the time to start planning your route. And by the time your work is done the days will have grown longer again and you will be able to move into your game plan with increasing zest and zeal, as you enter the next chapter of your raw evolution in synch with your truest self. This is your chance to start playing hard ball if youre ready. If you have had enough of yo-yoing to national competition level (!), then now is your chance to commit to walking through the door and shutting it fast behind you. You may be pleasantly surprised about what lays waiting for you on the other side. Seemingly great risks can often bring the greatest and most unimaginable of rewards. Just make sure you bring some company - you'll be wanting someone to dance with : )

Personal Hygiene of the Kitchen Steward

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