Problems w/ constipation? Diarrhea? Dark circles under your eyes? Sudden low back pain after bending over to pick up a dime on the floor? Joint pains? Weakness of the Psoas, Iliacus or Quadriceps muscles muscles involved in posture and locomotion
Could it be your Ileo-Cecal Valve?
The Ileo-Cecal Valve is located between the ileum (last portion of your small intestine) and the cecum or ascending colon (first portion of your large intestine; the appendix lays just below it.. Its function is to allow digested food materials to pass from the small intestine into your large intestine. The ileo-cecal valve also blocks these waste materials from backing back up into your small intestine. It is intended to be a one-way valve, only opening up to allow the digested material to pass through and then closing to prevent the fecal contents from falling back into the small intestine. When the small intestine/large intestine is not active in the process of digestion or stool production), the value is relaxed, neither open or closed.
Ileocecal Valve Syndrome
When the ileocecal valve is stuck open waste products can back up into the small intestine (much like a backed up kitchen sink drain) disturbing your digestion and also creating unhealthy toxins that are absorbed into the body. Also, if the ileocecal valve is stuck closed waste products are prevented or constricted from passing into the large intestine.
Unfortunately, this disorder is often overlooked by the medical profession. A dysfunctional ileocecal valve can result in a combination of symptoms.
Ileo-Cecal Valve Syndrome Signs & Symptoms
Dark circles under eyes
Bowel disturbances (diarrhea / constipation)
Weakness of the Psoas, Iliacus or Quadriceps muscles muscles involved in posture and locomotion
Low back pain esp. pain on bending over
Severe lumbar disc complaints (sharp sudden pain)
Sinus problems, post nasal drip, headaches, tinnitus
GERD symptoms
Joint pains
Pelvic congestion and pain
Chronic inflammatory or toxicity complaints
Causes of Ileo-Cecal Valve Syndrome
HCl Deficiency Major Cause: Medication for GERD/ Tums stops via various ways the flow of stomach acid needed to digest food, and absorb certain B vitamins and Calcuim.
Emotional upsets
High Colonics
How you eat (eating too quickly, eating foods you are sensitive to, under-chewing your food)
Foods you eat (carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, raw foods, hot spicy foods)
TMJ Disorders
Treating Ileo- Cecal Valve Syndrome
Treatment options for ileocecal valve syndrome are adjustment of the value itself, chiropractic adjustment of the spinal segmental that innervates the value, and the small and large intestine, neurovascular & neurolympathic pts for the value and the small & large intestine, and a change in diet.
Please note that adjustment of the value must be done in order to fix the problem; just doing the other techniques will not fix the problem.
Possible nutrition: Chlorophyll, digestive enzymes, Vitamin D, Calcium
Temporary Diet Recommendations During Treatment
Avoid for two weeks:
Roughage foodssuch as: seeds, whole grains, raw vegetables
Spicy foodssuch as: chili powder, hot peppers, salsas, black and cayenne pepper,
Also eliminate liquors, alcoholic drinks, cocoa, chocolate, caffeine products