Thursday, April 12, 2018

Taking the Cus out of Customer Service Why Ask Why

Taking the Cus out of Customer Service Why Ask Why

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Taking the Cus out of Customer Service Why Ask Why

Customers are always asking for something. When we first launched our software company, every time a customer would ask for something it did a couple things:
It would shoot the requested feature to the top of our mental priorities, since here it was in realtime right before us: a real customer asking for a real feature.
We would feel bummed that we didnt yet have the feature.
Our immediate reaction dictated our response:
Reaction: Well competitor x and competitor y both have this feature. We need it too!
Response: We hope to have this feature soon! Thanks for your feedback and patience.
Then one day, some customer was asking for some random feature, and we were going about our standard routine (adding it and haphazardly prioritizing it in our overwhelming list of features we needed to have) when one of our team members made the divine suggestion, Why dont you ask WHY they need this?
The results not only changed the way we develop our product roadmap, sharpening our knowledge of WHY we should add certain features and functionality and leave others out, but it completely changed the dynamic of our customer interactions. It engaged our customers to think rather than wait.
So, now when a customer asks for something, this is our response:
WHY do you want this feature? WHAT does this look like within our software? HOW does this help you to become more productive?

It is always one of three results that occur:

1. The customer does not respond to our questions. Hmmmm.. apparently theyre tongue-tied.

2. Their response is a self-declaring answer arguing against the importance of their own request. They convince us (and themselves) that what theyre asking for is a want (at best) and definitely not a need. They actually talk themselves out of theyre own request and make it quite clear that this has no business being on our product roadmap.

3. They articulate exactly WHY they need this feature, WHAT it would look like being implemented into Rule, and HOW it will truly make them more productive. Bingo! Now, add that to our wish list too.

When it comes to developing software, its not about the kitchen sinkits about value. Which leads us to the customers dilema: a desire for a solution with only a vague understanding of the problem.

I have to manage my team which includes customer relationships and project management. I have this software that we use to manage customers and projects, and we also depend on email, but our team is still not on the same page. We have work activity for projects with discussions all over the placefrom email to the software. We have the same thing for customers and I cant see how everything relates.

Customers are helping to identify the problem that cloud collaboration & project management software is trying to solve.

Like a rock laced with gold, raw feedback needs to be refined. We dont want to appease demanding customerswe want to figure them out. Theres pain in work. We all have some symptoms. We all have some points. True customer service is a two-way road: discovering the problem together and working on a solution together. Well never be in the business of telling customers what they need without listening to what they want. Nor will we return to the mindless nod of, Yeah well have thateventually.

We ask WHY.

Personal Hygiene of the Kitchen Steward

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