The Stewarding Department needs to make sure that they have cleaning schedules properly in placed. It is also important that people are trained on how to clean the kitchen stove. After all, this is practically the most important kitchen equipment. People who clean it should know how to properly do the task. Also, they should know how to save time when cleaning. Of course, the best way to do this is to make sure it is clean regularly. The person assigned to cleaning them should not let them get too dirty before he or she would bother cleaning the stove, counter and other cooking surfaces.
We all Know Stoves Are Tough to Clean
In restaurants, cleaning stewards should make sure that they are armed with cleaning supplies, like glass cleaners or stove cleaners, at all times. Anyone who has ever been given the task of cleaning a kitchen can tell you that the most dreaded task is cleaning the stove or oven. Often, the hardest thing to clean is food that cooks over and spills onto the stove surface. This kind of mess simply doesnt come off easily. Without a good cleaning product, it will be hard to clean them. It is important that you get cleaning products that are designed to clean up this kind of mess, especially dirt that is tough to clean.
How to Clean the Stove
Ideally, it should be the kitchens policy for chefs to clean as soon as they cook, so that dirt and mess wont pile up. Kitchen surfaces, including the stove, should be clean with soap and water. Sometimes, the stove becomes dirtier than usual then the Stewarding Department should make sure that it is cleaned properly and restored to its functional state.
Remember to check the stoves cleaning manual first before cleaning anything so as to avoid ruining any component. You should also avoid using steel when cleaning your stove. Opt for plastic or brass instead. So, how do you clean the stove?
Wipe away crumbs or debris with soft cloth or sponge.
Remove the grates and drip plates. Place them inside the kitchen sink filled with dish soap and hot water. Leave them soaking overnight if needed.
Soak removable parts in dish soap and hot water overnight to loosen food debris stuck on the surfaces.
Remove food debris underneath the stove.
Scrub clean the grates and dip plates after they have been soaked.
Rinse everything completely with clean water and pat dry with soft cloth.
It is important that your Stewarding Department should know simple procedures like this so that you will be able to properly instruct people assigned to cleaning your hotels kitchen.