These pests invade homes in search of food and warmth. They slip through any cracks and bring with them bacteria like salmonella and E-Coli. They pose a lot of health hazards as they scuttle about kitchen sinks, counter tops and cupboards.
Simply by existing they contaminate your surfaces leaving behind bacteria, pathogens that can affect you greatly. Their droppings, urine, decaying body and skin can pose serious health problems to asthmatics as it causes allergic reactions.
Seal all the cracks at home, cover all food containers and repair leaky pipes. You can also use safe pesticides to bring them under control.
Bed Bugs:
Their presence is highly undesirable and reduces the attractiveness of your living space. Bed bug infestations are commonly found within the wood work of your bed. Though they are not carriers of harmful diseases or parasites, they can cause psychological problems like anxiety, sleep deprivation, stress and depression and also property damage. Their bites cause rashes, lesions and scars. Their infestations become very difficult to get rid of leaving you to sleep in pest- ridden bed for prolonged periods.
Bedbugs come into your home through clothing, travel luggage or furniture. You need to keep a close watch on your luggage during travel. Bed bugs are sensitive to extreme temperatures. Dry your mattress in hot sunlight to get rid of them and if furniture is infected, it is best to discard them.
However, you can avail good and reliable pest control services in Dubai to get rid of such infestations as early as possible leaving no cause for delay.
They carry salmonella on their bodies contaminating every surface they leave their trail. They are carriers of dangerous diseases. They gnaw your food and water supplies with their grinding teeth and cause contamination.
They can spread debilitating diseases like leptospirosis causing heart, kidney and liver problems through their fecal matter and urine. Just by inhaling their evaporating and decaying wastes, one can become infected.
You can control them by sealing entry points, eliminating food supply, screening doors and windows. In case they have entered, you can use traps. If they are beyond your control, then seek professional help.
As they breed in stagnant waters, it is highly recommended to cover water containers at home. They are carriers of dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis. They feed on human blood and cause itchy bites. You can reduce the number of mosquitoes by screening your doors and windows and using lower toxicity mosquito repellants to keep them away.
Termites eat wood and thrive in moist areas. These pests cause structural damage to your property. Termite infestation lowers the value of your property and it is important to have regular termite inspections to your property once in every 6 months to keep them away.