Saturday, March 31, 2018

Harmonise White Gloss Tiles With These 5 Mix and Match Decors

Harmonise White Gloss Tiles With These 5 Mix and Match Decors

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Harmonise White Gloss Tiles With These 5 Mix and Match Decors

To augment visualisation, one needs to complement their gloss tiles with the right mix and match decorations. That is why most tile fans say, the more the tiles, the more eye-appealing it becomes. Plus, its always worth experimenting with different tiles as tiling spacious rooms do involve a fair deal of investment.  

Take a look at these captivating combinations and then decide which one suits the deed best.

Balancing White Glossy tiles with Statement Patterns

This is one popular style which is gradually becoming a rave. Using large-scale white gloss tiles and matching it up with busy patterns like example oblong mosaics help create a backsplash which entices attention. This works great for bathrooms having light coloured walls and white window frames.

Having Fun with Tile Scales

Another simplistic design is experimenting with different white glossy tile scales. One can implement a dimensional look by combining small white hexagonal tiles on the walls, medium scale hex tiles on the kitchen sink/bathroom basin surrounding and using large-scale white glossy tiles for the floor decoration. If one desires, then they can also use monochrome palettes to bring out a perfectly harmonious appeal.

Juxtaposing White Glossy Tiles with Matte finish tiles

If one intends to give their bathroom or kitchen a tactile appearance, then one good option would be to use matte finished tiles for the walls and glossy white tiles for the surface. To add another dimension, one can also go for exposed brick design for alternative wall surfaces.

It is another widespread interior decor design which many homemakers are using, and it does bring out a different kind to ones interior space. The best place to experiment would be the bathroom, kitchen or even the study room.

Matching Subway floors with White glossy Walls

There is no end to creativity, and this combination is another example. Homemakers constantly call up suppliers for durable white and subway tiles in Perth for their interior decoration. Just install high glossy bevel-edged subway tiles for the floor and match it up with soft-encaustic white tiles for a serene yet attractive presentation.

Maintain Consistency With Different White Tile Patterns

Using different sized white tiles but keeping the consistency of the tiles is another way to enhance the look of ones residing space. Simply use white tiles of 2 different sizes but having the pattern and then install it uniformly for bring out the visual connection between those vivid planes.

These are 5 classy design combinations which one can experiment with white glossy tiles. Choose the design as the budget and scope and make that dwelling place praise-worthy.

Some Crucial Considerations:

Always choose a supplier having a good reputation in the market. Check their testimonial section and for how long have they been supplying tiles.
Next check their existing options and also whether they have any project discounts meaning, deductions on the purchase of a complete pallet. That will assist in cutting down expenses considerably.
Also, check if there are some new arrivals coming or not. That reveals the companys motive to present customers with latest designer tiles in the industry.

Remember these points. This will help one find a prominent supplier of glossy white tiles.

Handyman Guide Review - Easiest Ways to Simplify Home Maintenance & Repair

Handyman Guide Review - Easiest Ways to Simplify Home Maintenance & Repair

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Handyman Guide Review - Easiest Ways to Simplify Home Maintenance & Repair

Some people prefer these steps :

1. Keep a fundamental supply of tools in the home. There are a number of basic repair tasks that occur more frequently than others, such as replacing blown lightbulbs and fixing clogged toilets. Keep certain tools and replacement items on hand to create completing the tasks much easier by already having what you need on hand. Replacement lightbulbs are a basic item, as is a toilet plunger.

2. Keep tools inside a specific spot, always ready for use. Protect metal tools from damp environments by spraying them with WD-40, to maintain them from rusting during storage. Invest in, or build, a toolbox for the most used tools. Tools and items that any homeowner may regularly need more than others include, amongst others, a hammer, nails and screws, screwdrivers, saws, pliers, an electrical drill and a flashlight. Guarantee the tools have been in proper working order, and read any included instructions to understand how to properly use each one.

3. Perform regularly scheduled maintenance tasks. Doing small maintenance duties, like scrubbing the bathroom . bowl with a toilet brush at day's end, might seem small, but decreases considerably about the time and effort needed when regular preventive maintenance continues to be long overlooked. This leads to larger repairs and maintenance duties being required. Inspect the house, inside and out, every year. Pay particular attention to potential trouble spots and trouble areas from the past, to prevent their recurrence.

4. Inspect your homes roof for just about any shingle damage, roof wear and areas of standing water, and also look for low-hanging tree branches, which could lead to shingle damage. This could help prevent leaks before they begin. It is possible to inspect the roof from the ground, or climb a ladder onto the roof for any closer inspection.

5. Mark cleaning utility caddy and other chemicals clearly, having a magic marker, to allow them to easily be identified when you need them. Store these supplies in a designated area immediately after you use them. This cuts down on possibility of losing them, letting them be misused, or spending wasted time searching for the needed supplies.

6. Reduce clutter in the home. Storing items and children's toys that are not being used allows you more room to make repairs.

7. Perform proper repairs, not just quick-fix repairs, on your home and your home appliances. Doing this also helps prevent costlier repairs or replacement needs in the future. For example, a drip beneath the kitchen sink might be temporarily remedied by sliding a bowl underneath to trap the water. If the bowl overflows, the water may do damage to the wood beneath the sink, and meanwhile, the leak is adding up on the home's water bill.

For some reason, it seems rather difficult for most people to perform, but you don't worry because there are more creative ways to do it.

Now, lets talk about Handyman Guide from Geoff Morris and how it might help you. I hope this short Handyman Guide Review will aid you to differentiate whether Handyman Guide is Scam or a Genuine.

Take practical steps to simplify the home maintenance and repair tasks that many homeowners must tackle. Following these ideas will cut the entire time required to complete maintenance and repair issues once they arise. An individual who lives alone can cut down on his maintenance headaches by diligently carrying out a common-sense plan year-round. With a family, these steps can be made even simpler, with each member of the family pitching in and helping where needed.

A handyman can be a individual who provides extensive skills that you might not really imagine. Many people no longer can do all of the jobs essential for maintaining a home. We always look for a number of who'll do these little chores for people. For example, we look for any person to correct the shower or repair a broken cabinet. Little tasks such as these will probably be available that individuals have concerning the door from the refrigerator. You might not hold the time to accomplish such small work or else you might not know how to fix them. Such circumstances, the handyman may be the right person to merely do this.

With "Handyman Guide", you'll soon be able to take care from the minor problems of your own house. Maybe you'll never get on a roof, or touch a pipe, or use a belt sander, however it does not matter. The most important thing is to buy a foothold in the amazing realm of tools and technique and that is precisely what our book does for you personally. It provides you with a place on which to stand and survey the world of home repair and improvement.

Getting Off Track Five Tips on How to Lead a Stress-Free Life

Getting Off Track Five Tips on How to Lead a Stress-Free Life

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Getting Off Track Five Tips on How to Lead a Stress-Free Life

I read an interesting blog today by the author of Little Things Matter. Each day, a post is written about the daily rituals we do to help or hinder our personal development. Funny thing is, so many thing that Todd Smith writes about seems so obvious, yet we neglect to do this little things day in and day out.

He emphasizes the need to listen, eat right, sleep well, set goals, find time for fun, etc, all issues that I have ranted about in Blogland a time or two. However, today, one of the issues resonated with me as I sit here and type of this rainy day.

Each day we wake up and do what we have to do to get through the day, right? Get ourselves ready for work, the kids up and at 'em, house organized, etc. These are all things that we have to do day to day as they are our responsibilities. However, during the hour to hour scheduling, how many times are we reactive with our day than proactive? What are we doing during the course of our day that is going to get us one step further towards our goals - be it personal or professional? Simply put, are you on the right track towards getting ahead with your life?

As a coach, I hear all the time that my clients have these grandiose ideas on how much they want to get done in a day - professionally or personally - however, life gets in the way. All of a sudden, you sit down to work on a trial you may have on Monday, and another client calls with some issue that needs immediate attention. It's the constant need to reassess and redirect your attention. Whether you are a stay at home mom, a business owner, athlete, whatever, many times we are not able to get what we want accomplished during the day.

Here are five tips I think are essential to leading a more productive day and stress free life.

1 - Delegate time to catch up with yourself.

As I sit in my office and look at my desk, I realize it is just as important to set aside an hour or two to put things away, file, throw out old papers, basically, set aside time to clean up shop. When you go go go all the time your life starts to show it. (a pocketbook that looks like you could pull the kitchen sink out of it, cluttered countertops, messy offices, old french fries in the car after a McD's run - you get the picture) These are tasks we tend to not consciously write down but are like nails on a chalkboard every day when you don't address them.

Dedicate a few hours a week to do these tasks that go to the wayside when you are busy achieving bigger goals.

2. Slow down.

I know, it may sound hypocritical when I talk about time management and then tell you to chill out, but it's true. The faster you move the more apt you are to make mistakes - thus, make a wrong turn at a light when you are on your way to a meeting with no time to spare or you leave a candle lit and you have to go home to double check which only takes more time. You get my drift.

When you are consciously aware of what you are doing you will do it better.

3. Make list.

Each night before you go to bed, write down what you want to do the next day. You don't have to go nuts and make it a novel with a detailed version of each hour of your day, simply bullet item your priorities. That way, when you go to bed, you will be processing the best way to do them. It really is true.

Studies show that when you actually take the time to envision what you want your following day to be like, you will be more apt to have a day that is more productive and in alignment with those goals.

4. Schedule in extra time to complete tasks.

If you are like me, you schedule in to the last minute how long it takes to take a shower, get yourself ready and how long it takes to get to the event, for example. For me, I would always say it took an hour to get ready and then I would add the traveling time, etc. However, how many of you ad in the time for distractions during that "get ready" hour? For example, the son who needs a ride to practice, getting the kids dinner ready before you go out to dinner, forgetting that you left your outfit at the dry cleaners, etc. Nope. I don't and I bet many of you don't either. So, by adding in more time to do your chores, get ready for an event, etc., you will be automatically giving yourself a ticket to a more stress free life. What is the worst that can happen? You have ten minutes to lay on your bed and take a deep breath or are able to crack open that book that has been sitting on your nightstand for three months.

Whatever you are doing, Give yourself 15 - 30 minutes to do it.

5. Identify the biggest time wasters in your life.

For me, I have to admit, it's surfing the web. I am almost afraid to see how many hours in a week I spend Googling stuff. In fact, I think I could be a professional Googler if there were ever a title. Whatever the case may be, if you take a good hard look to the patterns of how you spend each day, I am sure you could identify a few things that suck up your free time. When you do that, you can pick and choose how you would rather spend that time. For me, I decided the time I spent sitting on my butt in an office chair reading facts that may not be that pertinent to my life, I will dedicate to the gym. So far, I have found one hour a day to do this when I thought it was next to impossible with the schedule I have with the kids, work, outside obligations, etc.

Give yourself permission to reclaim a bit of your day for personal goals with the time you save on being more efficient. It will get you get you on a goal setting bandwagon that may have gone to the wayside over the years of doing for everyone else.

Just as Todd Smith states - Little Things Matter - and he is right. By following these five simple steps, you will be less likely to get off track day to day. And, when you are faced with that detour sign, you will already know the way to go since you have already been there.

For more information on Todd Smith's blog -!/littlethingsmatter?ref=ts


Friday, March 30, 2018

Fruits and Veggies For Your Pet You Bet!

Fruits and Veggies For Your Pet You Bet!

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Fruits and Veggies For Your Pet You Bet!

Fruit for your dog?

While fruits and veggies for some pets are common-sense, like rabbits or hamsters, they can seem a little unorthodox for dogs and cats! It turns out that many fruits and veggies can add a lot of important nutrients to your pet's diet that even the more expensive dog or cat foods can be missing. They can also be a great way to help an overweight pet slim down! At this point, you may be asking yourself whether or not your could get Fido to eat a cabbage? How interested is Snowball going to be in a banana? You might be surprised! It's all about presentation and learning your pet's preferences!

That being said, be careful introducing new fruits and veggies into your pet's diet though. Changes in diet can cause stomach upset in some pets so new items should be introduced slowly and in small quantities at first. Be sure to always wash all produce before you feed it to your cat or dog. Pesticides, germs, and imported fungi or bacteria can make your pet sick too. A simple and quick way to clean your pets produce is to take it straight from the grocery bag and submerge it in a weak vinegar solution in a bowl or your kitchen sink. The vinegar helps to cut the waxy coatings that can make the pesticides adhere to the fruits and veggies and help them rinse cleaner!

WARNING - Always remember to remove all seeds from fruit before feeding it to your pet! Especially apple seeds, which contain small amounts of arsenic. It's not enough to hurt a human in most cases, but in small pets over time it can cause illness. Also, beware of pits in things like peaches and apricots, which can be a choking hazard! If your pet has a tender belly avoid citrus which can cause upset stomachs, as well as grapes and raisins since they can cause kidney damage in dogs and cats. It's best to avoid corn, onions, and garlic too.

When introducing the new items, be sure to cut them up into bite-size pieces! You may find it easier to mince them up and mix them in with your pets regular food until they get used to the taste. Who knows though, some pets love fruits and veggies! This summer, if you're feeling like really giving your pet a treat, try blending them up a smoothie with ice to cool them off and give them a nutritious boost!

What are some of the best fruits and veggies to introduce to your pet?

Bell Peppers
Sweet Potato
Green Beans

What about canned fruits and veggies? Try to avoid them since most canned fruits contain added sugars and preservatives, and canned veggies can contain added salt. When possible, stick to fresh produce and don't try to feed your pet anything you wouldn't eat too!

photo credit: Moby's writing table - 43/52 via photopin (license)

Four Quick Methods For Taking Care Of Black Infant Hair

Four Quick Methods For Taking Care Of Black Infant Hair

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Four Quick Methods For Taking Care Of Black Infant Hair

So that you can take care of black infant hair, you need to use black baby hair care products, wash the child hair, cover hair with a handkerchief, and also comb the hair.

Black infant hair is unlike some other form of hair as they are much curlier and also rougher, as well as very delicate. Hence, special care is needed for this particular hair type.

Utilize black child hair care products

Only use hair care items that are designed particularly for black child hair. There are lots of products available in the market you could pick from. You can also opt to utilize something more natural, including moroccan argan oil for hair, olive oil, coconut oil, as well as jojoba oil. Every few weeks or so, rub lotion or perhaps a few drops of oil on the baby's hair as well as hair. The essential oil will not only help keep your baby's smooth hair, but will even help in keeping cradle caps at bay.

Wash the baby hair

Wash your baby's hair every one or even 2 weeks, or if you feel that your baby's locks are needing washing and cleaning. Nonetheless, avoid using hair shampoo as they can take out the baby's normal defensive hair essential oil. Rather than applying shampoo, utilize a conditioner instead to clean the dirt in the hair, and be sure to rinse it very well. Check if you'll find hair product build-up on your child's locks every four months or so. If you find a lot of build-up, you could use a clarifying hair shampoo to eradicate them. Keep in mind to make use of this hair shampoo sparingly. You might want to consider utilising the kitchen sink when washing your child's hair rather than the bathtub. It will be easier for you to wash your child's hair this way and massage his hair scalp. You don't have to undone braids, if there are any. Just rinse them the way they're and dry braids by blotting them by using a dry bath towel.

Cover hair with a handkerchief

Once your infant has achieved 6 months old, it is best to protect your infant's hair prior to laying him right down to sleep over the bed. It is because the oil on the locks may destroy the bed sheet. Have a handkerchief and cover it behind the child's head and tie it on the front to secure it. You might also use a bed sheet or perhaps pillow case created from satin or a similar material. Avoid using linens made of cotton or polyester since it could catch on hair. Covering your baby's hair using a handkerchief will not only guard your bed sheets, but the braids of the child, too.

Comb the locks

Combing your baby's hair will also keep his hair well-groomed as well as gorgeous. However, it will require some period in brushing curly black hair. Hence, you need to set some time just to comb your child's hair.

Black infant hair has all-natural protectants; therefore, it's not best to rinse their hair till they are 6 months old and if their hair has become coarser. In addition to that, use hair care products for babies very sparingly.

Written by Danica Reynes. If you want to learn more about organic moroccan oil for hair, take a look at

Find Out How to Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Find Out How to Keep Your Kitchen Clean

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Find Out How to Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Every room in the home has a function. In many households, the kitchen is one of the most important rooms, and it serves several functions. We all must eat to live and having a clean kitchen is very essential to that need.

If you want to have a clean kitchen, it really starts with having an organized kitchen. When youre cooking, you dont want to worry about a thick layer of dust on the range or dirty countertops or shelves. However, cleaning can be a chore, even though it does promote a healthy home and safe cooking environment.
In order to take charge of your kitchen, organize your cleaning supplies so that you have easy access to them and wont have any excuses not to clean. One way to organize your cleaning supplies is with the Under Sink Sliding Drawers.

The cabinet space underneath your kitchen sink can be a scary place or a nice and organized unit with these sliding drawers that will store your cleaning supplies in that confined space. Your cleaning products will be easily accessible and you can find what you need to get the cleaning done and move on with the fun part; cooking and eating.

Keeping an Organized Pantry

Even though your kitchen is clean, you are not ready to start cooking. Make sure that your pantry is neat and organized so that you know where every ingredient is and you will have less stress as you are preparing your favorite recipes for all those special people in your life.

If you do not have all of the storage space you need, you can utilize the Six Shelf Over Door Pantry unit as a quick fix to give you additional storage. This steel unit is easily assembled so you can store your spices and sugar and other cooking ingredients in an easy to find organized system.

If you do not have a pantry or have one but still need more space, there are other options at your disposal. You can use the Slim Slide Out Pantry in the space between your refrigerator and counter. The design utilizes casters so that the unit slides out with ease.

Organizing Your Pots and Pans

Can you smell the sauce simmering yet? Soon you will. You just need to make sure that your pots and pans are organized before you get to cook that delicious meal for your family.

Depending on the design of your kitchen, your cabinets are not always as functional as you would like them. You know how some cabinets are deep set or situated in the corner and its difficult to reach inside to lift out those heavy pots and pans. The Expandable Chrome Kitchen Shelf can save the day. This shelf expands to specifically fit your cabinet space and rolls out for easy access. The great news is that the shelf holds up to 100 lbs.

If you would rather have a wooden shelf, try the Shelf On Wheels for the same type of scenario. Use this adjustable roll out shelf to store your Crockpot, waffle maker, steamer or other pots and pans.

Cooking and Storing Food

Now comes the best part about the kitchen: cooking and eating. After you make that scrumptious meal, you may have leftovers that you want to save. Plastic storage containers are great, but many times they are awkward to store in your cabinets and do not make for a very organized situation.

You can use the Stack N Store Spinner Set to save your leftovers and other fresh food items in the refrigerator and freezer. This set contains fifty-four pieces and is invaluable to keeping your storage containers organized in your cabinets. The base spins for easy access to all the pieces and contains eight containers each of 6 ounces, 12 ounces and 20 ounces, as well as the corresponding lids.
Now that you have finished your dinner, cleaned up the mess and packed away the leftovers, take some time to relax in your clean and organized kitchen and have a cup of tea. Since youre kitchen pantry is so organized, use the Tea Carousel and you will have no problem finding the right tea bag that youre looking for. The cylinder is clear so you can see the tea bags without even opening the lid, which also locks in the freshness.

In keeping your kitchen clean and organized, you will save time which can be spent more wisely in having fun with family, relaxing and enjoying your hobbies. The main function of the kitchen is to cook and eat, so the more organized you keep that room, the better it will function and the less stress youll experience and maybe youll even have more fun channeling your inner chef!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Feng Shui How Quiet Is Your Bedroom

Feng Shui How Quiet Is Your Bedroom

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Feng Shui How Quiet Is Your Bedroom

A starting point for organizing any room is to identify the function of the space. What kinds of activities are going to happen there? Those activities then guide your decision-making about what to keep in the space.

Bedrooms usually have three primary functions:

1. Rest
2. Changing clothes
3. Intimacy (for couples)

In my work as a professional organizer, Ive had the opportunity to see some bedrooms that include everything but the kitchen sink. How anyone could get a good nights sleep in one of those rooms is beyond me!

Feng shui teaches that everything is alive with energy. Everything!

Energies are positive or negative. And, the energy of things talks to you. For example, a pair of pants dropped on the floor could say, Why dont you hang me up? or The wifes not going to be happy that youve left me here! Everything out and visible in a bedroom is talking to you--all at the same time! So, it only makes sense that there is an inverse relationship between the number of things in a bedroom and how peaceful the space feels.

Going a step further, there are specific types of items that are particularly noisy and problematic in a bedroom:

1. Anything associated with work has energy that says, You should be doing this task! And, youre likely to work in your dreams. This includes bills, sewing projects, exercise equipment, house plans, day planners, and computers. The bedroom is about rest, not work. To make your bedroom a haven where quality rest is possible, remove everything that has to do with an activity not related to the function of the room (rest, intimacy and changing clothes).

2. Energy enhancers like mirrors, fountains, and televisions. One mirror or fewer is recommended in bedrooms. Not only do fountains stir up the energies in a space, they have been known to make people have the urge to urinate. Televisions stimulate both the nervous system and a persons thoughts. Its recommended that you not watch television right up until you turn out the lights. Youll be left with an overactive brain, one that wont let you rest well.

3. Books--The words in books are fire elements. The paper of the pages is wood. Wood feeds fire. So, books are little bonfires! They have a stimulating, hot energy. Add to that the fact that when you are sleeping, your subconscious can access the content of the books. If your husband likes to read war books, youre sleeping in a space that has the energy of war. Your brain is accessing the horror of the content of those books. And, I think the negative energy of war books can lead to conflict between a man and a woman. I recommend that you keep just one to three books or magazines at your bedside. Limiting the quantity will limit the stimulation. I also recommend choosing books that are a gentle read, preferably positive stories with little violence.

4. Photographs--Images of people in photographs are also fire elements. To make your bedroom peaceful, limit the photographs in the bedroom. Photographs add a great life-affirming energy in any other part of your house, but in the bedroom they talk loudly and can disrupt sleep. Photos of your children can distract you from the opportunity for intimacy with your spouse. Photos of parents and children can keep your subconscious working on ideas for parenting and caregiving.

How quiet is your bedroom?

The condition of your bedroom can have a profound effect on your health. Because you spend more time in that one place on a daily basis than anywhere else, the noise of negative energies in the bedroom can affect the body negatively, resulting in health issues. Take steps to eliminate conversations and sources of stimulation like energy enhancers, books and photographs. Make your bedroom a lovely, peaceful place to rest.

Experts In Unclogging Drains

Experts In Unclogging Drains

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Experts In Unclogging Drains

A clogged drain can be a real nuisance and will definitely interrupt your activities. You can experience a clogged sink, toilet, floor drain or overflow plate. You can always try to unclog your drain using basic plumbing tools such as the plunger or the plumber's snake. However, if you discover that you have a stubborn clog, it is best to call in a plumber to clear your drain. This is because you may exert too much force on a pipe thus damaging it. You should therefore leave the job to the experts after a few failed attempts.

Sink Clogs

If your sink is draining slowly or if it will not drain at all, the best tool to use is a plunger. Make sure that the sink is filled partially with water then place the plunger at the mouth of the drain. You should vigorously plunge up and down severally before eventually pulling the plunger up. Check to see whether the water is draining at the normal rate or is still draining slowly.

You can attempt a few more times if the drain is still clogged. If you are unclogging a kitchen sink that has two bowls, you should close the opening of one bowl completely while you plunge the other bowl. If you need to plunge a bath sink, make sure you place a rag in the overflow hole.

Toilet Clogs

If your toilet is clogged, you need to close the water supply to the toilet bowl by raising the lid of the tank and closing the toilet flapper. You can also close the supply of water to the toilet tank by closing the handle that is found behind the toilet near the floor. You can try and unclog the toilet by using a plunger. You should use a heavy duty plunger and to get a good seal, you can first soften the plunger by running hot water on it. The plunger should be submerged in water and should cover the hole properly.

You should pump the plunger vigorously and forcefully. You can repeat this action and try and flush after some attempts to see whether the toilet has unblocked. If not, you can move to the next step or you can call in a plumber to continue with the process. The next step will require the use of a plumber's snake. It is lowered down the toilet until the blockage is reached and broken into small pieces.

Tub Drain Clogs

When you want to unclog a bathtub drain, you can begin by using a plunger. You can remove the screen from the bath tub drain and remove any dirt such as soap and hair. In case the tub has a pop up drain, you should raise the lever and pull the stopper from the drain hole. You can then remove any soap and hair that is on the stopper. You should then use a rug to cover the holes which are below the overflow plate and then use the plunger to clear the clog. This process will normally unblock the tub drain. If the tub is still blocked, you can call a plumber who will use other tools such as the cable auger to unblock the drain.

Drain Cleaning At Your Home

Drain Cleaning At Your Home

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Drain Cleaning At Your Home

If you have ever had a clogged sink, you probably ended up hiring a company that provided drain cleaning services. This type of service is ideal for all types of sinks and water fixtures. It is necessary when the pipes get clogged with things, and it is common for bathrooms and kitchens. If you think of your kitchen sink, you will probably have a good idea of what could potentially get stuck in it. Things like food and grease commonly go down the kitchen sink, and the sink is generally fine for a while. If these items build up in the pipes though, the pipes may eventually stop working.

This is completely normal, and it happens all the time. Think about water trying to go down a pipe. When the water enters the pipe, it can only go so far if there is something in the way. If something is in the way, the water has nowhere to go and it stays in the sink. A Drain cleaning service can fix any type of problem like this. They can also unblock clogs that may occur with your garbage disposal, washing machine, or toilet. Various types of methods are used to accomplish this drain cleaning task, but they are typically very successful.

Most drain cleaning companies often offer emergency service calls, too. If there is blockage in your toilet, the water will not go down. It will come up instead, and you will end up with sewer water in your home. This is a great example of a time when you would need to call a drain cleaning service that offers emergency services.

Another thing to keep in mind is that most drain service businesses like this will also offer other services; one of the main one is plumbing services. They can usually handle any task that is plumbing-related. Some drain cleaning companies even offer installation services. If you would like to put in a new faucet or sink, you can hire such a company to do it for you. If your sinks do not have shut-off valves, you can hire a drain cleaning company to install these important valves by every source of water in your home.

These Ohio plumbing contractors also may be able to service your water heater or pump. They can install or replace sump pumps, too. When people have trouble with their hot water heater or their water pump, a company like this can usually fix the problem. It may require installing a new one, but they can make sure it is done right. Drain cleaning service providers serve a very important function and they can actually help keep your pipes cleaned out, which will prevent clogs from forming in the first place.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

DNSCrypt Guide How You Can Prevent DNS Attacks

DNSCrypt Guide How You Can Prevent DNS Attacks

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DNSCrypt Guide How You Can Prevent DNS Attacks

In the world of ever-growing virtual threats and infections, ensuring an encrypted web browsing environment is not easy. Since thousands of malicious codes and programs get released every day, you will require adopting some preventive measures to avoid serious DNS attacks. Read below to know how DNSCrypt helps in safeguarding your online browsing experience.

Online hackers, malware authors, and other cybercriminals look for opportunities for finding weaknesses in the Domain Name System. You might have seen IT professionals deploying various tools and programs to secure DNS servers from potential hackers and identity thieves. Since ensuring full DNS protection isnt possible in the real-time, you can adopt some preventive measures to fight against the leading cyber crimes.

An online hacking professional can easily bypass all of the security measures and compromise the Domain Name System (DNS) to steal your valuable data and files. DNSCrypt is an amazing cyber security protocol from OpenDNS that ensures optimal Internet security and prevents suspicious files and activities from connecting to your device. If youre running an organization, then read the article to know how you can keep your organization from becoming a victim to DNS attacks.          

How Does DNS Work?

Whenever you wish to access a website or a web page, your browser will look for the IP address of a particular web server. Your PC will scan your system to consult the system's host file with the IP addresses of various domain names. If the PC is unable to find the web address in the host file, your browser will ask a DNS server to locate the website. Many a time your DNS resolver have the IP address for that domain name in its cache and will provide the same to ensure faster web access. If the resolver does not have the web address, then it may ask other servers to look for that particular website.

How Hackers Use Domain Name System to Steal Your Valuable Information?

Smart hackers can find a way to access your resolver reports and redirect them to wrong IP addresses.  It simply means that a user trying to access a valid and trustworthy web address get redirected to a rogue one. The fake web addresses and servers appear similar to like that of the authentic ones, and the user may not be able to detect that anything is wrong. As many of the organizations and IT professionals dont replace or modify the default DNS server configuration, online hackers may enter into them and fly away with your companys data.

What Can You Do to Prevent DNS Attacks?

Steps for Preventing Your Organization Being the Victim

1. Keep Your DNS Resolver Private

It is important to remember that you should always keep your resolver private and protected. The companies operating their personal resolvers should restrict its usage to some authorized users. It is imperative to keep your network private because it helps in preventing its cache being poisoned by outside users and potential hackers. Always ensure that the server is not open to external users.

2. Configure it With More Security

Configuring your DNS servers is highly important to set a security shield to prevent cache poisoning. Configuring the settings of the server can protect you against cache poisoning activities. By tweaking some of the settings you can avoid some serious cyber crimes like data stealing, adding variability to outgoing requests, and a hacker gaining access to your internal files.

3. Manage and Secure DNS Servers

DNS security is the best while applying stringent restrictions to the authoritative servers. You can either personally host your servers or can ask a service provider or domain registrar to handle it on behalf of your organization. Tech experts recommend managing your Domain Name Servers personally because only you can understand the value of your data and its consequences when it gets compromised. Large organizations may need to deploy their DNS servers in three or four places around the world to establish an encrypted web browsing environment.

Tips for Companies Hosting Their Personal DNS Servers

Don't get caught by security vulnerabilities
Companies running their personal name servers should keep them patched and up-to-date to prevent them from being exploited
You should apply different servers for authoritative function and resolving functions to prevent your domains from going offline in case of service attacks
Use a hidden primary master name server to serve data to slave name servers
Monitor your name servers to view their current status and to check any recent changes made to them
Deploy a team of professionals to monitor your servers constantly and for reporting any unexpected behavior immediately
Use Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to protect your server, apply digital certificates, and ensure hassle-free changes
Use a specialist DNS appliance to close unneeded ports and stopping unwanted services
Try to apply stringent security policies to minimize the DNS servers attack and automate updates for better security and protection.

Tips for Companies Using a Domain Name Registrar

Apply two-factor authentication to ensure that you never hand-over your DNS account details to an online hacker or malware authors.
DNS change locking support adds some specific security processes before you make any changes to the DNS settings.
Ask your registrars to apply IP-dependent log in to keep you safe from external hackers.
Apply DNSSEC technology to allow DNS information to get it signed digitally for avoiding forging situations and applying necessary security measures.


Downloading and installing DNSCrypt protocol can help you in resolving a couple of problems that may lead to breaking the full DNS protection shield. Tech experts recommend using second authentication factors like a security dongle or one-time password to ensure that your crucial company data remains safe. Many research reports also recommend that using an encrypted web browsing environment can help you fight against leading online crimes like man-in-the middle attacks, snooping, spoofing, and many others. You can contact your online tech support provider or an expert IT professional for managing, securing, and privatizing your web activities or Domain Name Servers.

Cutting Sink Holes In Corian

Cutting Sink Holes In Corian

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Cutting Sink Holes In Corian

hhaa veryyNNwwaaddEEppccaatt MmmNNeesstoKKoo WWaa vvrr ee oo eedd oo nnww  eeee nniinn eccett ttoorrssooiigghhppiiees ndd vttlliiyyaattrrcciidiitt:: hiiddiitt uunnnn piittii ooaa's iff. Btttteeeeii oottnnaabbggggppii  hh aaeettaa  ssaaaallbbeett  ee otherr ddrrnn hh iiss --  eekk fter iviiggbbrrh -- hh oottaattmmpprroo..UUuully teeffrrttmmddccllcceekkuu s fterr66wweess Bttttii s ime hhn he ee ottee aa e uitt eeiiaaee add ulleeaall nd fccssiinnmmrrbll hhlleeggss  ttii llo urinn his ime hat hh aayybbuuss nd osspprruu epresssoo ffee ccur. avinn ooddrruu ew abb ssaaggeettttrriiggppinn n ooaa''  iiee ou he ewwmmttee an ake heeccoocc..WWllll tt e uunnngg oiittttwwrr rraterrhhaatt  nn aappnnsssffrryyuuaad oorr amily r heeooppsstt??EEeeyyhhng hat oo o roo  hh eggnniiggoo reennnnyy etsstteessaaeeffrryyuu oss  aattmmhhaath nn  appinesss GGttiig  ddqqaaeerrss,,eeeeccsee rrss irr  rrpee ooddaad ooiiggaattnnionnffoo ouu artner, fmmll nn riendd ss ipprrantt his ill ooaallnn ay o nsuue aapyy eellhh rrnniiiinniitt  ee otherrnecessitssssooll ee eeyybbiissuu nd uufflliiggtmeeii ooaa'' iie. WWaa ou iill laann ew omm iil et eeoouiinnzznn ew laa or oorr crr  ffee  hhllbbrrhh  oo ill iiddttpp n reaatteeddnn  oorrbbbb. ou iil ind iissoo  eellhh iett oo ew oms. ou ill ooeellaannnn oo oo d eeiiaaiiiiggwwrr ill mssaaeebbtt oo oo nn abyy oonn his abb aasagg ssaa wnneeffllwwyytt  ooddwwtt hee nwwbbbb  oo aa.. Psspprruu eerrssiinnccnnhhvv evvssaainggeeffccssoo hh ee oohhrr he  ee aayy nn he holeeffmmll..WWee heemmttee ss dppeessdd hh hooeeffmmll uffeess oo ill uiikkyyuuddrrttnn hh ttii mmortaat oo tayyoottoo eerrssiinnbb  ttyiigghhaattyy addhhppyy hen om s appp,,yyuu aayy wll e appyy oo. MMtteesshhll he ey o aappnnss n hh aaiiyy hh rrtt ssttaa y aaiig aaeeoo ourroonnhhaatt nn  eelbbiigg  oorrhhppiieessaaddccoofidenneeaa  oohhrrwwll  rrwwssrrnner. ouu srengttee our wn ouuddttoo  ffeeeegg,, lvv,,aaddssrrnntt oo yuuhhvv ooeett iieett ouu  ee  aayyaaddyyuu ammll..MMtteessggvv o therssaall hh  iiee oo e ure ott t orree boutt gvvnn o oorreeff t s self int uuuuyy ad oohiiggtt eel uullyyaaoott hh hhll aaiiy iill bnnfftt AAsseeiillwwnnow f pportunntt oo ee othhrr TTe tmm uss  fttrrcciidbbrrhhssooll ee eeyyhhppyyaaddjjyyuu  iiee his ss aso he oott ulleeaall imm n ooaa'' iiee  syyhiaarrccllyysseekknn,,aaccrriiggtt iinn eell  ukk niversstt  ppyyhhaarrss aaddosstettiiiaan.  ee oohhrrccnnttkk  ddaattgg oo his  ppottnntt  nnttm  oocceett  nnwwllff or erreeffaaddffrrhhrrffmmll,,aallff ffddeeee eeninn nn reettrrhhaathhaadd aapiness. hhssppoorrmmwwssccnneevvddaa aammaass t ell ee oohhrr egain iiaaiiyyaad nergy appdly attrrcciiddiitt nddssrrnnttee aammnnoosffmmll iiee HHw oommnn ss psspprruu epresssoo??  ii oo now hht teeccuullffccssoo iieessoo  hhtt88% f ee oohhrr xxeeiinneetthee"aayybbuuss ffee hhllbbrth nn 0-11 uuffrrffoo ootpprruu eerrssiin??Thh aayybbuussuuuullyyssaatt  bbuu  --55ddyy ffee hhlddiitt..PPsspprruu eerrssiinn tartss attrr ut asts onnee nn sme aaes p o yyaassaattrrcciiddiitt..TTeessggss aeeuuuullyyddppeesso, nniitt,,aaddggeattmmoo  wwnnss  rriiggffrrnn  ppaaeettrraaoo..TTeennwwmmttee oossnnttffee appbbee f arinn or he ee aayyoo oo eessll;;sseeffeessooeewweemmddwwtt  hh ousshhll hores,,llssssnnrraa nneressss tc. II s xtremmll  rrggccttaa hhs ouuddhhppee tt iiee i ooans iff hattssooll e err hppiis  iiee oowwaaeeee ssii our  ooee ooaaeettttee anggr bffrr tt hppeess akiiggggod aaee o oorreeffii rrvvnniinn tccnnqqeettaa oossaallnn ay o ttyyhhppyy eellhy nn uu f oottaaaa eerrssiinn.. WWaa ooss t eell ikeett  aaeeppsspprruu eerrssiinn  hh ffmmuu  VVpprrooaaiiyy aaii smonn,,eepprreeccddaaccss ff dee aaddllnn assiigg pssparttmm epressiinn ee ookkBBhhnnddthh mill::MM oorree uu ff PstparttmmDDppeessoo Osmmnn,,2200))sy::PPsspprruu epreessoo ssaahhaatteessiivvderrttaa oodd  vvrr11 eeccnn ff ew oohhrr osttgg.. I llooss hemmwwth elf-douutt nniett,,aaddffeeings f hamee taa aa eaa oo iooaaiinn""Innttii ttte f eerrssiinnsseehhnnee hhe aayy oee oo teennnnyyaaddttll ee  hhtttterr as ommttiiggvvrr rrnn iihh er addttaa hh eeddddtt aaee crr ff i..SSeeddooeeaaaa nd heccee er. 6. Create  ooee.. Lttrrsseewwssffrruuaae t iidd aggoo occoo hh aa bbee t eepp hrrggttbbckoo rrckk aaann oo  vvrr omaa s hhttffrruuaaee hh ew  --ookkNNw  eeiinnnnssffrrNNw Mmm oottaattmmWWrrbboo ivvssyyuummnn aauubbeettpss nn goo  aaeeffrrnnwwmmmm..  UUffrruuaaelyy n ur ooiitt,,ttmm nd tttnniinnffrr he areeoo ee oohhrr aa  eennrrddccddooee ttmm..HHssiiaa ttyy  aaeebbee hhrreeee..TTeee s ess ime or eww mtteesstt eerr  oo  ooccrr  oo  hh aayyaaddhhrreeffffoo  rriiee ealthh pooeessooaasii hh osppttll aayy clluuee uussdd ff Wsseennsscceeyyhhvv  rrssrree aaccnnttnn radiiiinn ff crr or ewwmmtteessffoo nniinn iiee iitt uu iiee hee eww ook ee eginnnnnssffrrNNwwMMmm oottaattmmSSppoottWWrrbboo  yyRRnnii ooss h..DD  iillssaaeetteeeesscceesswwtt ou, ee ww.nnwwoohhrraaeeccmm TTpss frrssaaiiggrrssee, eaathy nd aapp fterrcciiddiitt:: ..TTkk  iieett eet a ooee attrrCCiiddiitt.GGttiiggppeett  fggoo  eettii ajjrr see nn yuu eeooeeyyaattr hhllbbrrhh ryy yuu estttt ake imm o esttaa ome oo ouu o eeee eekk. oiig o ouuddbb  hh oss mmoottnn hhnn oo ooffrryyuu ww  oottaattmmrrccvvr..II ssaall aaes bouu ix eekk oo he nternall oggnn nn iissee o eaa fter hiiddiitt ccooddnn oommderr eddcine. eenn nn eettuu oottnn hill  hhss haaiigg i aaiiggppacc wwll eepptteehhaaiiggproccss  nn ouull eell bttee..SSttyynn nn frrttii eeiidd o iieeii nn fftteesscceessttaa ew oohhrr rrcciiee nn acceettcclluuee.. . hhnnvvrr yuu aayy i leeeiigg  aaee he ppprruuiiyytt aaeeaanaa oorreeff oonnttffaattccllyyttyytt ee ll oorrhhuueeooddccooee  ooeeddrrnn hhs iie!!YYuu oo'' ee he leee ouu nee  uuiiggtteennggtt o ttii eeyy ipprraattttaa yyuuttkk hh ime  ooggttyyuu eett dring hh aa.. f yuuwwuuddllkk ooggtt heemmss uu ffyyuu eettttmm,,ggttiigg addeeee  aaddddfferrnn  uulltt ffrrss uuing hh imeeyyuuhhvv vaiiaall,,ttee  oossddrr ell-reeeerrhhddrrllxxttoo nn ttees educciinnttccnnque suuh  ssTTaasseeddnnaa edittttoo.. hhssii iippee  eettllttccnnqqee frrddee nner eeaaaaiinn treessrrddcttoo,,aaddddvvllppeettoo oossiiuunnss hhttii asy oo earnn addeess o racticc..II s raattccddssttiiggccmmootaall  nnaaccaarrwwtt yess llssddmmrriigg addeeeeiiggffrr2  iiuuee;;i wwsiittoddcee nn he Wss y aharrssii Mhesh ogi..0 hess 00mmnnttssmmyyggvv  oorrbbdd eeper  nn  iiffrrnn uaaiiyyoo reess  hhnnyyuuggt ii  ooo ightt leepp hhnntteemmnn  eeaaess hh ooy elaxess oo aannggeettrrmmnn//ooyyccooddnnttoo ttaa ssaaccmmaaiid yyhhaatt bbnnfftt,,taa aaeebbee  xppooee  nnmmnn  eeeerrhhssuuiesswwrllwwdd..TTee nnlldd mmrrvvddsseeppqqalltt,,llss  nniitt,,llss eerrssion; hii  ooll  eettiill ee bnnffciaa  oommss ee ooherr..11 eeiiaaiinn i ompletely aannssrraa hese ays.. Orah  oossii,,wwooeeaasseeiillaattcceeaaootthhrreepprreecc,, ad aa ee  ooppnn earn,, too htp:///ww..mmooggooraa--nnt  aaii yycc oes tt oo dee auu  aattee,,RRsseellBBaaddaaddRRsseell Smmooss hey ll oo hh rrnnccnneettllMMddttttoo echnnqqee addttee ooee i..ttp://wwwwtt..rr//llggmmddttttoo/ppaa--aaaaiiee..DD ee srr o onnidee eriiusly hhss ell eeeerrhhddttccnnqqee BBiiggeess oolaann nddppacciiee t i ell uiiee oo ee oo,,sseecnndd t y erseeffppaattccllyyaayyhhrr hh aappnn oo b..  33 oott edd erryyaa  ::00PP rreerriirr uu ootteennttrrllrryyhhssoo he ooyy hh llee yyuuggttbbfore iddiiht s arriiuuaall aauubbee oonn  oobbddeerryyhhllssssrrnnttee yuu hhssooooyyaaddppyyhhllgg nn ill ccelerrtt  oorrrrggii f nnrryyaaddvvttlltt  ffee hiiddiitt..SSiippeeaaddnnturrll 44  oohvv  eettull seep, egggg  nnssmmll,,qqiitt nn eejjyybbeeaattvvttee nn tee eeeiigg oo'' wwtthh iillnn V ovieeoo nything lleettaa  sseeooionnlll ppeettng. uiittyyrraaiiggaabboo rr iittnnnn oosotiiggmmssccoo ttee eettiiggaattvvttee  ssaa  xxeellnn aa  tt eetteetteemmnn nd akk  uueettaa oor leeppii eep ndd paaeeuu..WWee  hh  iiddrrllxxss hh odyyrrllxxssaaddssttllssddww.. . egglltt isitors..II s mpprraatttt eeulltt  hh uubbrroo  iiiioosstt rrttcc hh othee'' eettttmm..OO  oorss ou''llllvv oo see yuu ffiinnssaaddllvvd nnss fttrrtteebbbb's bbrhh  uuttbb ure oorrgglatt hh raaffcc oo taa  oo re ott oeewweemmdd rr oohhvv giillrreed  iihhyyu  oo elp uringgvvsitt..TTyytt eeppvvsstt hoott 00tt 55mmnntes nn teebbggnniiggyuu oonnllttll nestt t omee oo aciiiiaaeeyyuu ess tt hmm,,bb  uueett aaeeyyuu ooe llvvll nn ooffrrabbeeppaaeewweeeeyyuullvv  oorrss,,recovvr, ndd rjjvvnntt..BBffrr  oonn o  h  ooppttll rraag  wwnneeffuu  eett frryyu nn oorr aaiiyytt njoy iiee wtt hh ee aayy  hhnn  f vvrrttiigg taa aaee ou eel appyy nnllddnn oorrffvorrtt uuii.. Hvv ooppeeoo  DD  eedd;;llsseeing o uuic hat oo nnoo ooss a ltt o iff oorrmmoo nn pirii.. ..CCeett ttooggssppoottsssse..AA prr ff yuu rr--llnniinn,, ake oorrpprrnnrroo  ppuueeaa cciieepprrnnrii hhss e r eeaaeeffiinn aa elppaallttbb  rraaggnn orr a rouu ff riendd tt ake  uunn ooking eals o rrnn oo teennwwmmtee  ann  eepphhrrwwtt  thh tter oosehold hores hhpping, llaaing nn aby--iittnn,,eecc CCnniiee eeiiuull iiiigghhmm elpp frrttee frrt ee eeess ff yuudd oo  aaeeffmill rr riinnsswwooccnnssee  nnaad eeppwwtt oosshhll hhres. e opeeyyuuhhvv njjyyddttii  aatiill.. ee llo ww..ewmoohhrraaeeccm iih he ee --ook: ew Bggnniigg oo ee oms oottaattmmSSppoottWWrrbboo y annie ooss PP..DD ouu ommmnnssaaeewwllooee llaae -mail hee o: booss00@@aaoo..oo otes:: eell iinn..((oo22. n S ews oold eeort,,3311//0022  oll  33,,IIssee88 .. 1,,pp ssoodd arree 20011.. eeiiddtteeSSiiee yy Juunnyyoottoo  oottaatum eppesssoo..WWrree ookss .. Y,,NNwwYYrr.. 0. aaaaiihh aaeehhYYgg  1199,,pp 66).. MhhrrssiiVVddccUnnvvrriiyy aaaaiihh edii nnvvrriiyyPPeess  oollnn..  55..wwwwtt..rr//eeeercc//ooeehhmm cieettffccRRseerrhhoo TeeMMhhrrssiiTTaasseedeettllMMditattoo rrggaa nn MMSidhh rrggaa,,VVllmmss1155

Cremation Process - What Happens To The Body During The Cremation Process

Cremation Process - What Happens To The Body During The Cremation Process

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Cremation Process - What Happens To The Body During The Cremation Process

"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust"

Many, many years ago, cremation had been thought to be so unnatural and extreme that cremation societies and other advocacy groups were formed to "lobby" for its greater practice. Health benefits were cited as reasons to cremate as well as ecological ones. What about the thought of leaving more land for the living and taking less for the dead? Even 100 years ago, only 1% of deaths in the United States involved cremation.

Today the cremation is preferred by almost 50% of living Americans. There are at least 2,000 crematories within the United States and Canada and they will approach a number of 1 million cremations. The subject of "what happens to the human body" is one that many people don't want to talk about and yet there are many who wonder...

I must warn you that some portions of this writing will not be pleasant

About fifteen years ago I was on a "trip of a lifetime," with a group of friends, to the Bavaria Alps and the trip included parts of Austria, Germany and Italy and I just knew that when I got to Salzburg Julie Andrews would appear and sing to me Well, I did not see her and even more sobering was the day trip I took into southern Germany. I visited what was once the Nazi German concentration camp located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the medieval town of Dachau, about ten miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany.

The Dachau concentration camp was the first regular concentration camp established by the National Socialist (Nazi) government. It opened in March, 1933. Between that date and the end of April, 1945, over 200,000 prisoners were housed in Dachau. Thousands of those died and something had to be done with the bodies.s One of the friends on that trip was a cremation expert of current cremation processes who looked at Dachau with a different view than my military history view point. As we looked at the "ovens" or crematories there he explained how the facial skin and hair is the first to go as the body is pushed into the chamber. You can see it melt away. Stop!

There is no comparison between the crematories of the Nazi regime and those of the modern-day funeral homes. But the crematory at Dachau was my first experience with the "death and dying" process.

The modern-day process begins with the pre-need for the individual indicating that cremation is desired. Even then signatures are needed and the process is delayed for up to 24 hours or more in most states because cremation is irreversible Next, the funeral director or crematory operator must remove any items not wished to be cremated with the body such as jewelry. It is also important at that time to remove any pacemaker, internal defibrillator or other battery powered medical device. Some of those batteries explode during cremation, if left in place. Even though most bodies are cremated in a cremation container which is basically a large but sturdy cardboard box, cremation may be done in a cremation casket usually made of wood. Either type container must be able to burn easily.

Each body is cremated separately from start to finish so as to ensure that there will be no mix up in the correct ashes for the correct named person.

The cremation container is placed into the cremation chamber from the end by pushing it in. The door is closed. The cremation chamber is lined with fire resistant bricks on the ceiling and walls and the floor is made from a special masonry compound designed to withstand very high temperatures. The burners within the cremation unit are usually fueled by either natural gas or propane. Temperatures will often reach the 1800F - 2000F range.

Depending on the size/weight of the deceased and the equipment design, it will take 1 to 3 hours for the body to be completely reduced to bone fragments once cremation begins. After the cremation process is complete, a cool down period is necessary before the bone fragments can be further processed. Once the cremated remains can be extracted from the cremator they are viewed to ensure that there is no metal debris such as surgical screws, pins and/or titanium joint implants remaining. If so they are removed. The remaining bone fragments are then placed in a special processor which is somewhat similar to a larger than usual food processor or disposal unit one would find under the kitchen sink. The processor then pulverizes the bone fragments to a fine powder called cremains (cremated remains) or simply ashes.

The remains are then placed in a plastic bag and temporary cremation container or an urn provided by the family. The ashes are then returned to the family or taken to the site where the final committal will take place.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Copywriting Tips for Sales-generating Brochures

Copywriting Tips for Sales-generating Brochures

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Copywriting Tips for Sales-generating Brochures


Brochures have held an important place in marketing plans for longer than most of us can remember. There is no doubt that they have the ability to generate sales and increase revenues. Why then do so many of them fail?

There are several aspects of copywriting for brochures that amateur writers dont consider. Its those things that make or break the success of your efforts.

For the sake of generalization, lets think about creating a six-panel brochure. (Also called a tri-fold brochure among other things.) This is created from an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper that is then folded twice. There are three panels on the front and three on the backside of the original sheet.

The Cover

As if it wasnt obvious, the cover is the most important panel in your brochure. Both the images and words need to grab the readers attention and pull him or her in. It has to be compelling enough to (a) strike an emotional chord, (b) make the customer want to pick up the brochure, and (c) make the reader want to know whats inside.

So, why then do so many people simply put their company name and a picture of their building (or something equally as boring) on this - the most important of all panels?

I generally leave the writing of the cover as the last element in my brochure-writing project. Once Ive finished the rest of the copy, I read back over it at a leisurely pace. Then I stop to think. If I were asked to summarize the information in this brochure in 10 seconds, what would I say? If I had to name the single biggest benefit the customer will receive from this information, what would it be?

Those are excellent ways to generate covers for brochures. A few examples are below. These are brochures that Ive seen around town that made me reach for them and want to know what was inside.

Plastic kitchen set. Dollhouse. Dollhouse furniture. Pink tricycle. $427.66. Your checking account balance $302.86. Get what you need when you need it. This was for a cash advance service. This particular brochure was printed before the Christmas holidays so it had special appeal to lots of people.

Over 3,000 babies died last year alone due to improper safety seat installations. Be SURE your child is safe! Obviously, this was for a child safety seat inspection checkup.

These make an emotional appeal, get the readers' attention, and make them want to know more.

Inside Panel Headlines

These are just as important to the process as the cover headline. Capture the true value of the information in each section and provide it to the reader within the headline.

Information Panels

For most brochures, making a sale on the spot is not the objective. Driving traffic to a phone center or Web site is. Therefore provide the most impressive product/service information on the inside panels in order to help accomplish this goal.

In addition to the information about your products/services, incorporate calls-to-action like:

Call today for full details.
Visit our Web site to see the complete color selection.
Customer service specialists are waiting for your call.

Once you understand the goals of your brochure, incorporate compelling headlines, and include a cover section that generates interest, you are more likely to see success from your brochure.

CA guest ranches offer complete escape from city

CA guest ranches offer complete escape from city

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CA guest ranches offer complete escape from city

If a complete and total escape from the city is among your vacation objectives this year, you could hardly do better than to visit one of California's guest ranches. Located in some of the most beautiful and pristine wilderness the state has to offer, these ranches specialize in putting families back in touch with Nature - and with each other.

The summer season is prime time for guest ranching families who maybe have tried Disneyland or taken a family cruise vacation but have been searching for another unique experience that every member of the family can enjoy. A week-long stay at a guest ranch means that Mom, Dad and the kids will all be eating together -- three hearty home-cooked meals a day - and that the parents will actually have some inkling where, at any given time, they can find their kids.

If that sounds good for parents, it gets even better for kids. Most guest ranches recognize they are competing with Disneyland for the family vacation dollar and have made a point to include a long list of games and activities to make sure that even the most ornery teenager doesn't get bored. There's the obvious - horseback riding, and plenty of it - but add to that such activities as swimming, tubing on nearby rivers, volleyball, darts, fly fishing, archery and gold panning.

"We had one Australia family visit Disneyland and our ranch in the same vacation," recalled Alicia Ryan of Coffee Creek Guest Ranch, "and the family emailed us from home just to tell us that the ranch was all the kids were talking about."

Score one for guest ranches. The ranches will score a few more points with adults who deal with city traffic and crowded workplaces every day of the work week and figure the last thing they want to do on vacation is stand in long lines for theme parks and their rides. Once they're settled in at a guest ranch, they may find a total of just 50 or 60 other guests spread out over many acres with most guests out riding or involved in activities. End result: peace and quiet for Mom and Dad.

When the movie "City Slickers" came out several years back, the impact on the guest ranch industry was significant. Maybe it was the way the movie showed every-day city people adapting very well, thank you, to the Great Outdoors -- whatever the reason, ranches saw more business than ever. In recent years, some ranches have found that growth has leveled off somewhat as competitors such as cruise lines lower their prices and rising gasoline prices discourage long distance car travel. So nowadays, many guest ranches are including everything but the kitchen sink in their "all-inclusive" price.

Operators of guest ranches say that most people who come to stay at a guest ranch share a love of the outdoors, although the majority of visitors are not experienced horseback riders. The riding is probably the best way to get out and enjoy the scenery, and rides of various lengths are scheduled throughout each day. Skill levels are taken into account when deciding what horse you will be riding while at the ranch and, often, guests will get training and greatly improve their skills as the week goes on.

But not everyone who comes to stay at a guest ranch is focused on horseback riding. "That's where the swimming pool comes in," says Trish Wilburn, owner of Greenhorn Creek Guest Ranch, "and the hot tub, the porch swing, the fishing pond - they never run out of things to do."

Ranch accommodations vary, but generally the ranches offer a more rustic type of lodging than people expect from a fancy resort. Private bathrooms are generally the rule, but rooms and cabins are more "clean and nice" than luxurious. The only people who are disappointed, ranch operators say, are the people who expect five-star accommodations, which can be impractical in the more remote locations.

The home-cooked food is where most guest ranches shine - ample helpings of beef, pork, chicken and many other basics are available either buffet-style or in family-style serving dishes ready for guests on the table.

Most ranches offer all-inclusive rates that include lodging, food and activities, and sometimes unlimited horseback riding. Prices for a week at a guest ranch can run from $800 to $1,400 per person, per week, depending on the season and whether horseback riding, taxes and gratuities are included. Daily rates are available at some ranches while others require a one-week minimum. Also ask for family or group rates, which may save you money if you're taking a family.

There are several guest ranches located in various parts of California, most situated in mountainous, wooded terrain but easily accessible by car. Here are three examples of California guest ranches:

Greenhorn Creek Ranch - located near Quincy, California about 70 miles northwest of Reno, NV, this ranch has been catering to California travelers for many years. For the last five years, Ralph and Trish Wilburn have operated the ranch, steadily building clientele and adding amenities. This heavily timbered part of California is known for its many lakes and streams, and ranch guests are always impressed by the area's overall beauty. The ranch can accommodate up to 80 people in 16 cabins and 12 lodge rooms. A week-long stay at Greenhorn begins with a one-hour riding lesson and basic orientation that matches each guest with the appropriate horse. Throughout the week, guests can get additional instruction and ride on various terrains ranging from gentle slopes to dirt and gravel roads to trails. Other ranch activities include trout fishing in the ranch's own pond, swimming, frog-racing, square and line dancing, hayrides, bon fires, golf, hiking and even a rodeo. For more information, phone 800-587-2418 or visit

Coffee Creek Ranch - This ranch is about 72 miles northwest of Redding and located in the heart of the Trinity Alps. This mountainous location is quite wooded and has long been known as an outdoorsman's favorite. Alicia Ryan is a third-generation owner of the ranch and has put together a variety of activities including horseback riding, swimming, gold panning, archery, skeet shooting and target practice, fly fishing, tubing on a local creek, kids' games, hayrides, bon fires, line and square dancing and even a talent show. All horseback rides take guests into the high country and many include meals or overnight stays. There is about one ranch employee for every two guests, and typically the ranch will accommodate around 50 people. Hiking trips can be planned, and mountain bike trails parallel the wilderness area. Summer youth programs are specially designed by age group. The ranch even has its own musical group, the "Rattlesnakes," to entertain guests. For more information, phone 800-624-4480 or visit

Circle Bar B Ranch - located in the Santa Ynez mountains near Santa Barbara, the Circle Bar B is just three miles from the famous Reagan Ranch, where President Ronald Reagan lived, worked and played. Owner Kathy Williams and her family have been entertaining guests for many years not only with the ranch and its activities, but with a dinner theater that was started 38 years ago. Pat Brown, Kathy's brother and ranch co-owner, has busied himself building cabins and renovating rooms to the extent that the ranch now has an overnight capacity of 45 guests. Outside the main lodge is a swimming pool, set in a grassy area amongst the oak trees that populate many parts of the property. Not far away are the barns and corrals, and a group of mild-mannered horses that, several times each day, take guests onto many miles of nearby trails and roads. The rides at Circle Bar B are gentle. The terrain is generally easy for their well-trained horses and allows for good footing and enough space between horses so that you don't run into problems even if one of the animals becomes a little spirited. The hearty meals at the Circle Bar B are family style and the ranch owners mingle with guests at almost every meal. For more information, phone (805) 968-1113 or visit

Business Lunch Dos and Donts

Business Lunch Dos and Donts

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Business Lunch Dos and Donts

Business professionals who spend all day in their offices invite the opportunity to get out for the occasional business lunch. This is a lunch where clients might be involved, or it could be the chance for you to make a good impression on the higher-ups in the company. As with any business function, there are do's and don'ts you should follow if you want to make the very best impression. 

Put Your Smartphone Away

No matter where you sit in the hierarchy of people at your lunch table, it is always a good idea to put the smartphone away and turn off your ringer. Your customers would not appreciate being interrupted by a ringing phone, and your company president is definitely not going to be impressed with an employee who takes text messages during a business lunch.

If you are waiting for a very critical call, then you should inform your guests and keep your ringtone low or on vibrate. If the phone does ring, excuse yourself from the table to avoid disrupting the business lunch and try to make the call brief. In some cases, you can get away with taking an important call, if you are waiting for a big deal to land, contract to be signed etc, especially if the people at the lunch are involved in the business call.  It can actually be very advantageous for a lucrative business transaction to come to fruition whilst you are in the middle of a business lunch with investors or associates. It makes you and your business a much more viable investment.

Of course, if there is cause for celebration, go easy on the bubbles! You wouldnt want to go from hero to zero due to a lapse in judgment whilst under the influence of alcohol!

Do I Pay My Portion Of The Bill?

Business professionals who are new to the idea of a business lunch can often get confused with who pays when the lunch is over. In most situations, the person who organized the lunch should be the one who pays. But if your boss asks you out to a business lunch to discuss your future with the company, then it might be a good gesture to pick up the check.

Where Should We Go For A Business Lunch?

If you are organizing a business lunch, then you will be expected to pick the restaurant. The safest bet is to choose a place that has a diverse menu and pleasant ambiance. Not everyone likes Chinese food, and you can put yourself in a bad position with your clients if you choose a restaurant that they do not like. Try to choose a place that you have been to before so that you can vouch for the food and service. Poor food and long delays will place a negative slant on your meeting. If you are picking up the tab, its a good idea to check the prices. Avoid something too extravagant if you know you just dont have the budget for it.

If budget is limited, it can be a good idea to host a business lunch in the office. It can often work out cheaper to invite caterers in, rather than take your guests out. (Business lunches can often lead to people taking advantage. Ordering expensive dishes, wines or whiskeys that they wouldnt perhaps order if footing the bill themselves!)

If your office is located at a prestigious location such as The Shard, it would almost be advisable to host your meetings here! Your guests will be wowed before you even have time to pitch!

Do Confirm Details In Advance

You should try to plan a business lunch at least a week in advance, and you should confirm that everyone has the details of the lunch the day before. Communications can get crossed and people can forget to write things down, which could lead to a disaster on lunch day. But if you take the time to confirm the details with everyone the day before, then you should be able to avoid any embarrassing situations.

Don't Order Foods That Will Attract Attention

When you order food for your business lunch, go with food that is not overly crunchy, has a certain aroma or is difficult to eat. Messy foods, where finger bowls are a necessity, should probably be avoided unless you are at a themed restaurant and everyone else in the party will get in a mess. If you have a favorite dish that you know looks less than appetizing to others, then do not order it at your business lunch. You should order food that will allow you to eat, but not gets in the way of business talk.

Take Cues From Your Guests

If your guests do not order drinks before lunch, then you should not order drinks either. If your guests are more interested in talking business than discussing the menu, then choose something quickly and keep the business conversation going. As the business lunch host, your job is to make your guests feel comfortable and allow your guests to dictate the tone of the meal.

A business lunch can be a great way to conduct business or show the boss that you are ready for more responsibility. If you follow the common rules of etiquette for business lunches, then your event will be a success.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Blocked Drain - Keeping Your Drain Clear

Blocked Drain - Keeping Your Drain Clear

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Blocked Drain - Keeping Your Drain Clear

Water, as they say, is life. This is very true since most of the activities we execute in our day to day lives revolve around water. This water leaves the buildings through drainage pipes. Whether you are a homeowner or you own a commercial property, it is always a headache when you experience a blocked drain, since it interrupts the normal goings-on within the building. There are, however, qualified plumbers can call to unclog your blocked drain and guide you on how best to keep your drains clog free.

About drains

A drain is a pipe that transports surface water or sewage from your property. The point at which your drain connects to the sewer at the border of your property is known as the lateral drain. The sewer is the pipeline that transports surface water and sewage from several properties. If your drain is blocked, you will notice that the gullies will overflow and toilet waste will not go when you flush. Your drains will also emit a foul smell.

Causes of drain blockage

There are many things that may cause your drain to block. Your children may have a habit of flushing objects down the toilet that end up blocking the drain. Plants are also known to block drains when the root system works its way to the drain in search of water. These roots normally put pressure on the pipes and crack them, allowing dirt and other things to get into the drain. A large amount of leaves can also collect into the drain and block it. Hair that has accumulated in the drains is also known to cause blockage, together with grease and fat from your kitchen sink that gets stuck in the drain.

What to do when drains block

When you notice that you have a blocked drain, it is a good idea to find out from your neighbors whether they are also experiencing the same thing. If it is a general problem in the neighborhood, then the sewer may be blocked; the necessary authorities should be notified so they can deal with it. If, however, you are the only one with the problem, then it is your drain that is blocked. You therefore need to get a qualified plumber to work on your blocked drain.

Keeping drains unblocked

There are a few things you can do to keep your drains from getting clogged. The most important is to ensure you are cautious about what goes down your drain and what lies around the drain. There are benefits to ensuring you have a drain that is not clogged. A clear drain helps to prevent roofs, ceilings or walls that are leaking and also keeps your electrical fittings and wiring from damage.

When cleaning your dishes, ensure that you clear the plates of all food particles before placing them in the sink. Always use enough soap so that grease from the dishes breaks down adequately and do not pour grease into the drain. Toiletries like sanitary pads and cotton wool should be thrown in a bin and not flushed down the toilet. Finally, try as much as possible to keep your compound free of leaves and debris.

Benefits of Hiring External Recruitment Companies

Benefits of Hiring External Recruitment Companies

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Benefits of Hiring External Recruitment Companies

Have you ever thought about hiring an External Recruitment company for recruiting your employees? Have you considered the benefits you and your business can derive from employing the services of professional recruiters? Keep reading to learn about the various benefits of hiring an External Recruitment company for recruiting employees instead of doing so internally.

There are numerous benefits of hiring an External Recruitment company, especially if you own and run a small or medium-sized business. Some of these are:

Professional Recruiters

When you hire an External Recruitment company to recruit employees for you, you hire professional recruiters. External Recruitment companies have vast experience in recruitment and can find the best candidate for any given job. Unlike you or the person responsible for recruiting new employees at your company, recruiters at an External Recruitment company live and breathe recruitment. They know exactly what sort of person would best suit any particular position and they also know how and where to find such a person.

Hassle Free Recruitment

Interviewing candidates and going through all the candidate selection processes and procedures can seem like a great hassle to many business owners. All these procedure and processes are not only tedious but may also seem very boring to a person who doesnt recruit for a living. Then there are lots and lots of minor details to consider and things to take into account while recruiting employees, and keeping track of all such details and things means more hassle. Hiring External Recruitment companies is a great, hassle-free method of recruiting employees. By hiring a good External Recruitment company, you transfer your recruitment related challenges and worries to professionals who are meant for dealing with such challenges. That means you can sit back and watch as professional recruiters do your dirty job for you. Oh, no, strike that, do your tough job for you.

A Time-Saving Method of Recruitment

Hiring an External Recruitment company is not only a hassle-free way of recruiting employees, but it is also a time-saving method of doing so. Yes, recruiting employees internally can take up a lot of your time, but you obviously know that. How many times have you had to put in extra hours to compensate for time lost in interviewing candidates for a position at your company? How many times were you late for a lunch meeting because you were busy interviewing an entire army of candidates that morning and completely lost count of time? So its best to leave recruitment to External Recruitment companies as doing so will save you a lot of time which you can use in concentrating on other aspects of your business. The same is true even if you have HR Professionals at your company. The time such HR Professionals save if your company delegates the recruitment responsibilities to an External Recruitment company can be used to manage the existing employees in a much better way.

Best Candidates

As mentioned earlier, recruiters at an External Recruitment company can help you find the best candidates for any particular position. You obviously know what sort of person you want for a given position, but knowing what you want and being able to actually find what you want are two entirely different things. In most cases, a good External Recruitment company can find candidates that exactly match your requirements. There are certain cases where finding a candidate that exactly matches your requirements and needs is a bit tough. In such cases, recruiters at the External Recruitment Company will find a candidate that is as close to your requirements as humanly possible. In any case, recruiters at a good External Recruitment company have a better shot at finding a person that is right for any particular job than you do. Thats because it is their job.

A lot of people ask why External Recruitment companies are able to find better candidates for positions and in a shorter period of time as compared to companies themselves. But thats like asking why a medical doctor has better chances of saving a persons life than a CPR volunteer, or why your plumber has a better shot at fixing your kitchen sink than you do. You will notice that most things turn out best when they are left to the professionals.

A Method that Ultimately Saves Money

Hiring an External Recruitment company for recruiting your employees saves you a lot of money at the end of the day. How? You save valuable time and effort that can be employed in improving other aspects of your business. Furthermore, you are saved from the hassle of the whole recruitment process and the accompanying stress, and are better able to focus on your responsibilities as an entrepreneur. Improvement in your business will ultimately lead to increased revenue. That means you ultimately save money by employing the services of an External Recruitment company.

Civil construction recruitment

Believe It Or Not Plumbers Use Fiber-Optic Video Cameras

Believe It Or Not Plumbers Use Fiber-Optic Video Cameras

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Believe It Or Not Plumbers Use Fiber-Optic Video Cameras

Clogged drains and sewer lines have been a common problem every since plumbing was invented. Anytime you have a pipe with water and particles of matter flowing through it, you have the potentiality for clogs. The responsibility for preventing and clearing up clogs and drain cleaning is basically the homeowner's until the problem goes beyond a certain point, at which point a plumber must be called in. The techniques and technology plumbers employ these days is more advanced than it ever was in the past. This allows for speedy discharge of clogs and variety maintenance approaches that really target the problem.

Some clogging ingredients of drains pipes are grease, food, hair, human waste, and miscellaneous dirt and dust particles. These items gradually build up, day after day and year after year. While the water that moves down the drain clears away much of this debris, if a large amount of it enters the drain pipe at once or just accumulates in enough quantity over time, it can cause a clog.

Clogged sewer pipes are another matter. Much larger in diameter, they are often clogged by things like tree roots, debris from construction, or by dirt build up if sections of the pipe becomes punctured or separated. The homeowner can help to prevent or fix drain pipe clogs in a number of ways.

Some good preventative measures include pouring boiling water down each drain in your house once a month, draining cooking grease into cans rather than the sink, cleaning kitchen sink stoppers regularly, and only putting flushable items down the toilet. If a drain does become clogged, commercially available drain unclogging liquids as well as plungers and augers often work well and can be used by those with no plumbing experience.

It's not so easy, however, for your average individual to unclog a sewer pipe. It requires both knowledge of what is blocking the sewer pipe and the ability to take it out, neither of which are easily available to homeowners. If none of the drain unclogging approaches work, or if the problem does seem to be primarily a sewer rather than a drain issue, it's time to call in a plumber.

These days, plumbers have sophisticated means of diagnosing drainage problems and fixing them. Advancements in the field mean that less time is needed for diagnosis of a problem and for a solution to be arrived at. Modern plumbers are a little like doctors, they come in and make a diagnosis, and based on it they give your drain pipes and sewer lines the appropriate treatment.

One diagnostic tool that is quite high tech, more so than many would habitually associate with the plumbing profession, is the flexible fiber optic video camera. This is an advanced digital camera that can be snaked down your drain pipes and even threaded into sewers, allowing plumbers to actually see where blockages occur. The video feed shows plumbers exactly where the problems and blockages are, and can thus provide a very direct, targeted, and often cost effective solution to the homeowner. Pretty neat and futuristic, wouldn't you say? So it's in your best interests these days to ask plumbers if they are up to date on the latest technology. New diagnostic and plumbing repair options such as the one mentioned above can save you time, aggravation, and even money. Along with questions about rates and time needed for the job, be sure and ask about a plumbing company's technological level. It's the 21st century and plumbing is not what it used to be.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Avoid These 12 Newsletter Mistakes

Avoid These 12 Newsletter Mistakes

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Avoid These 12 Newsletter Mistakes

What you need to know to boost your open rates, avoid unsubscribes and get the biggest return with newsletter marketing.

When sending out an eNewsletter or eZine, sometimes its hard to know what works and what doesnt work.

I see many entrepreneurs and business owners happy to just get something out, or they make it all about them and add in what they think is best.

But in actuality, a newsletter needs to be given a lot of thought. Your goal is to send a newsletter that will appeal to your target market, not you. So if youve been sending out stuff that you would like to receive, its time to re-think your strategy.

In conjunction with an article written a few months ago about what your unsubscribes are telling you, here are 12 mistakes to avoid when sending out newsletters:

1. Not Defining Your Ideal Target Market

If you dont know who it is you want to attract to become a customer, then you arent going to know what they will find useful information. And if you dont know this, then you wont know what to include in your newsletter to keep them wanting to hear from you.

2. Not Being Consistent

I work with many entrepreneurs and business owners who have the best of intentions to send out regular newsletters but simply dont make it a priority.

They get going with at least one a month, and then its every couple of months every 6 months and then nothing. Nadda. What happened? They didnt commit to a schedule and lifes busy-ness got in the way.

Inconsistency is a killer when it comes to newsletters. Pick a schedule and stick to it. Your subscribers will come to expect to hear from you and the more they do, the less chance they will forget about you.

3. Too All Over The Map

A confused mind says no so if youre going to offer everything but the kitchen sink in your newsletter, then the odds are good that you are going to lose your readers attention.

Instead, focus on a theme, idea or single message and write for it. If you get off on a different tangent, hold that thought for another newsletter another day.

Be concise, and keep the flow simple and easy for the reader to follow and you will win more fans that way. Oh, and it shouldnt go without saying, but do ensure you proofread your prose so it doesnt have any spelling or grammar mistakes.

4. Not Matching Your Brand

Just because your newsletter provider offers free templates for you to use, doesnt mean you should! Your newsletter is an extension of your brand and should look the part.

If you are going to use those templates, be sure to replace the header banner with one that matches your website, and also match your brand colours and fonts.

Having a consistent brand image goes a long way for recognisability with your readers.

5. No Call To Action

What do you want your reader to do once theyve opened your newsletter? Be sure to include a call to action telling them what to do next.

For the majority of my newsletters, I want to send the readers back to our website to read the rest of the blog article I provided a preview for. Once they read the article, they are met with another call to action that could suggest they do a number of different things; like leave a comment or click a link to explore a particular service we offer that is in relation to the article.

6. Doesnt Display As Intended

Many people look at their emails now on smart phones so be sure your newsletter appears properly on those smaller devices.

Moreover, if you dont hand-code your newsletters and rely on the provided WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors from the newsletter provider, the chances are your newsletter will not display nicely across all the different email platforms.

So be sure to test how yours looks on Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, AOL etc.

Another tip about display, is to avoid using background images. Not all email programs will see a background image, most notably, Outlook.

7. Images Are Not Optimized

Some email programs dont see certain CSS code that WYSIWYG editors use so the original size of the image is displayed instead of the what was defined in the CSS.

This causes the image to be HUGE and out of proportion to the rest of the newsletter. Needless to say, the newsletter then looks really bad on the receiving end.

8. Your Subscribers Dont Know Who You Are

If you only send out occasional newsletters or even once a month, the odds are good that many of your subscribers are going to forget who you are.

So to avoid unsubscribes, include a short bio and photo of you at the bottom of the newsletter. This may remind them of who you are and why they signed up to receive your newsletter to begin with.

9. Not Providing Contact Information

Many times Ill receive a newsletter and see a huge opportunity lost when they dont take advantage of the opportunity to promote their contact information or, at very least, their website address.

Give your subscribers the chance to click a link and find out more about you.

10. Too Much Selling and Not Enough Value

Ugh, Do you get onto some mailing lists where theres nothing but sales pitches and nothing offered of any value? Whats the first thing you do? Unsubscribe.

Dont make your followers do the same. Always include lots of value in your newsletter to keep your subscribers happy. The best way to do this is by re-purposing your blog post and adding it to your newsletter. Assuming your blog post is of value, then you can now send that valuable content straight to your subscribers.

11. Not Using a Captivating Subject Line

At the end of the day, it doesnt matter how brilliant your newsletter is, how much value it contains or how entertaining it will be; if you dont put a lot of thought into your subject line, your followers will not be bothered to open it to read that great prose.

Spend a considerable amount of time coming up with a compelling and captivating subject line. If you dont, it will be passed up and never opened.

Its also important to note that you need to avoid using spam-activating words in your subject line or it will get marked as such and your newsletter will never be seen.

12. Not Getting Permission To Add People To Your List

Ive saved a biggy for the end. No matter how tempting it is or how many other people you hear of doing this, avoid adding people to your newsletter list if you didnt get their direct and explicit approval first.

Its against the Canadian anti-spam legislation (CASL) and even if you are in the United States if you have a Canadian on your list that complains about you adding them to your bulk mailing list, you can still be held liable.

Along the same lines, you also want to avoid sending out bulk newsletters using your personal email program like Gmail or Outlook. The anti-spam laws are clear and not only do you risk getting shut down by your ISP (If using your personal email address) you are also not in compliance with the law when you do this.

Sending out regular newsletters to your list is an excellent way to build the know, like and trust factor with your subscribers and get you new leads flowing in.

But you also need to know these kinds of mistakes, to ensure you get the best results from your efforts.

If you would rather focus on your business than worry about such details, my team and I manage newsletters for many of our clients and would be happy to manage yours as well. We can do everything from writing them to sending them out. Contact me to discuss.

To your success,
Susan Friesen

Personal Hygiene of the Kitchen Steward

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